Meeting new People: 1st Part

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Their story takes place on an island hidden by a dark ocean, the Felia, the island called Austin, a place where magic is omnipresent, or just present.
Noel, a thin 13 year old boy with brown hair and eyes that looked like caramel, who wore grey normal house clothes, was on his desk doing math homework; which after some minutes he abruptly stopped.
'Augh, why do I always need to be the only boy to stay at home and do homework..?' He thought while watching the other kids play on the streets, but then he turned back to reality, he needed to pass the school year, he never got held back and he wasn't going to start now.
After hours he was finally done, it was 10 PM now "Noel! Come here, food is ready!" his mom called from the kitchen. Noel took a small sigh "I'm coming mama!" he replied, heading towards the kitchen, he was tired that day and went to bed early.
Noel woke up at 6 AM, he hurriedly prepared to go to school and said bye to his mother, it was already 6:40, he needed to be fast; he arrived at school ten minutes later when he remembered the lesson started at 7:30, 'Well, talking about being early' he thought, he looked around, the school was scarily big, it had a giant garden and a baseball camp, everyone was arriving to school, talking with their classmates or texting their friends.
Noel felt a tad sad, he didn't have any friends, it wasn't always like this, in elementary it was full of people he knew, in middle school tho, even after three years, it all felt new to him.
The bell rang and he started heading to his class, he was again early.
After three long hours it was finally break, he went on his phone while everyone else was playing with their friends; the rest of the day flew by and school ended, this was the time everyone went in the library or clubs, but Noel just sat, watching everyone like a spectator.
Not much time passed when he heard a voice "Hey man! Is this seat free?" The guy asked, he looked older than Noel, wearing a grey shirt that matched his candid pale skin.
"Oh yeah, sure!" Said Noel, the silence was embarrassing, Noel wanted to leave, but then the blackhead boy asked his name, Noel shakily responded "Noel, Noel Flydrake." The older guy had a sweet aura, which helped Noel calm down, "And your name?" Noel asked, more confident than before, "Call me Jazz, Jazz Silver! Good to know you!" Jazz shook Noel's hand, which made him smile just a little, maybe he could be a friend of Jazz, "You do have friends no?" Asked Jazz, Noel froze and didn't reply "I understand" mumbled Jazz, with a look of guilt on his face, "Don't worry I'm fine-" Noel was interrupted "I'll be your friend!" exclaimed Jazz.
Noel was visibly shocked, he didn't expect that, Jazz did nothing but smile at him, maybe this could be a great friendship.

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