Planning the Trip

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It was the last day of school. Noel was going there, at the gate waiting for Jazz, who arrived a couple of minutes later.
"Hey Noel!"
"Hii! Today's the last day of school."
"Yep, it was a good scholastic year."
Noel's gaze went to look at the school, and sighed. "Not really for me." he said, then Jazz hit Noel's arm. "Hey! What gives?!" he asked while looking at Jazz. "Reminder that you met someone." he replied. Noel smiled, "You're right." he confirmed. The bell rung signaling the beginning of the classes. After school, both of them went out from the gate, and wander around Main Gate. "Finally! We have all the summer for us!" Noel exclaimed, but Jazz decided to ruin the moment by reminding Noel; "You do know we'll have the exams, right?". Noel's expression saddened a little, "True..." he said, Jazz tried to cheer him up. "Hey, maybe after the exams we can explore Austin, like you planned." he said, Noel looked up at Jazz, "Mhm, we can go with everyone." he replied. Since he wasn't looking he bumped into Riko. "UHM- SORRY-" Noel panicked, but when he saw it was Riko he calmed down, "Oh, it's you, Riko." he said. "Hey Riko." Jazz said. "Hi, Jazz. I was looking for you." Riko replied, with his usual emotionless voice. "Why's that?" Noel asked. "Since Mary likes you so much, she wanted to spend some time with you." Riko explained. "Really? We don't mind!" Noel exclaimed. "Good, she's already her-" Riko was interrupted by Mary who was running towards them while saying happily: "Guysss!!". Her shyness was completely gone by now, "Mary!" Noel exclaimed. Jazz just smiled, watching the two talk with each other. "She's in your hands now." Riko said to Jazz, "Take care of her." he added. Jazz nodded, "I'll keep her safe." he said. Riko then walked away, leaving behind Noel and Mary who were talking, matching energy, and Jazz. "I wonder, where is he going..." thought Jazz, then he looked at the two of them, "You two." he called out, both turned their heads towards Jazz. "Yes?" they said at once. "Better if we start planning out the trip for Austin, what do you say?" he asked. Mary's expression was replaced by one of genuine curiousity. "What do you mean?" she asked. Jazz pet Mary's head while saying, "Nothing much, just a little trip for all Austin." he replied, then pulled her hat on her eyes. Mary adjusted it while saying "Ooohhh...", "Can I come with you?" she asked right after, with a small smile on her face. Jazz's gaze shifted towards Noel, "So?" he asked, "Why not?" Noel replied. Mary smiled more, "Yay!" she exclaimed happily. Derek's voice can be heard saying "Darn, you're two kids.". The three of them turned around to see him leaning his back against a wall. "You're so noisy" he added, then sighed, "Derek!" Noel said, Jazz just waved at him. Derek looked at Mary, "Oh, you're here, too." he said, "Couldn't see you because of how short you are." he added, with a small chuckle afterwards, "Hey! I'm not that short!" Mary replied, "It makes you look more adorable in some way." Jazz added, Mary started blushing out of embarrasment, her cheeks getting slightly pink. "A-are you serious?" she asked, while stammering a little. Jazz just nodded, making Mary blush even more, the pink got into a slightly more deep shade of it, but it got away after a short time. "You were planning the journey, no?" Derek asked, Noel replied with enthusiasm, "Exactly! I can't wait!". Derek just sighed! "See you after the exams." he said, before detaching from the wall and walking off. Everyone went home. Summer break begun, and after the exams the adventure will start. So get ready.

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