The Black Forest: 1st Part

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It was a Friday, it was history class, which Noel found pretty boring, even though the professor tried his best to make his class fun. The bell suddenly rang, all of the class ran off and started whispering to each other, Noel couldn't quite hear them, so he timidly came closer to them.
"Yeah, the Black Forest truly is haunted!" that sentence made Noel stop moving, why were they talking about that forest? And why would it be haunted?
School soon ended and Noel started waiting for Jazz outside school, he arrived some minutes after, "Hey!" he called, Noel looked at the taller boy, "Did you also hear about the black forest?" he asked, a bit confused, but also pretty curious.
Jazz tho, looked terrified "...what? How do you know about that forest?!".
"My classmates were talking about it."
"I see... That forest is haunted." Jazz deadpanned, Noel blinked twice or thrice before saying anything "Haunted?" he said in confusion, "Yes. I recommend you not go there."
"And why is that?"
"The legend says whomever enters the black forest, will get killed or cursed by an obscure power.", Noel sighed "And you actually believe that?" He asked trying not to laugh.
"Noel, magic does exist after all, I don't think this is just a fantasy." That made Noel doubt himself "Maybe you're right..." "Oh well, let's go!" Jazz looked shocked "Eh?" "Are you dumb!?" "I prefer getting hit by a meteorite than going there!" Jazz said, still shocked, "Oh c'mon, it can't be that bad!"  said Noel while grabbing Jazz's arm and taking him in the Black Forest.
The forest was indeed terrifying, it looked never-ending and the trees were the color of blood, with leaves darker than the night sky, "Noel... I don't think this is a good idea..." shakily said Jazz, "It won't be anything bad! Stop acting like a baby!" Noel said entering the forest, "I don't like this..." mumbled Jazz while following him.
While vagabonding around Jazz started feeling a really bad predicament and so did Noel, both of them stopped moving.
"Is someone watching us?" "I think so..."
Seconds later, they heard a...wolf howl? It sounded very distorted and almost cursed. The two looked for the source of the sound and found what seemed to be a wolf, it had bright red eyes and bones popping out of its fur like scales, no one moved a muscle, it was almost like they were statues, while the wolf studied them, until it suddenly jumped towards them "OH SHI-" Jazz screamed, Noel was screaming to run.
The two stumbling ran around the forest as fast as they could desperately searching for an exit, the monster followed them at a concerning speed, thankfully Noel and Jazz managed to find a safe place.
They were both on the ground panting, "what huff, what was that?!" asked Noel "How should I know?" responded Jazz, too tired to sound mad.
"Whatever it was, it was terrifying." "I told you so idiot. Next time I'll be the one making choices" "Yeah yeah, I might have been a bit too impulsive."
Jazz soon noticed he had no idea where he was "Great! What a wonderful situation am I right?" Noel chuckled, "I hate you." panted Jazz "Why?" "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME WHY?" screamed Jazz. But right now it wasn't time for bickering, they had to get out of the Black Forest. Alive.

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