Family Reunion

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Noel was going back home, from a long day of school. Arrived he went in his room and dropped the bag on the floor, looking out of the window, he saw it was currently raining. "As expected." he said to himself. He walked toward his bed and laid down, staring at nothing. That moment was soon cut from how tired Noel was, and fell asleep. He was then woken up by his mom, "Noel! Food's ready!" she called out. Noel got up from the bed and went to the dining room to eat. After that he got ready to go outside, but his mom stopped him before he could reach the door. "Where are you going?" she asked, "Hm? Oh, out with friends." he replied. His mom looked out of the window, "With this weather?" she asked, "You could get sick, you know?" she pointed out. Noel let out a small scoff, "I'll be fine!" he said, "I promise I'll come back soon." he added, trying to reassure her. "Fine, but be back for dinner if you can." she said. Noel nodded. Then went out, closing the door behind him, and opening the umbrella. He started to go towards the train station, where he should meet Jazz and Derek. "Hey!" Jazz called out, "Well, finally." Derek said with a scoff, "Come on, quit it." Jazz said, "Where's Riko?" Noel asked, "Don't know, we were about to look for him. Wanna come with us?" Jazz asked, "I'd say to not waste anymore time, and move on." Derek said, then started to walk. Noel stood where he was, and saw a figure in the distance, so he approached it. The figure was a little girl, with pale skin, with white medium long hair. She wore a dark blue jacket, with a light purple scarf, with baggy gray pants and black shoes, and an orange hat. She was darting her eyes around, with a precise interval it seemed. She didn't have an umbrella. Noel felt bad living her here, so he walked towards the child, and spoke gently while putting the umbrella on her head. "Hey, you okay?" he asked. The little girl looked up at him, revealing a pair of beautiful light blue eyes, she looked a bit agitated. Noel spoke once again, "Are you from around here?" he asked, the girl shook her head to say no, and kept quiet. Noel figured out she had some issues with socializing, "What's your name?" he asked. The little girl took a deep breath, and spoke with shaky and quiet voice. "M-my name is Mary..." she introduced herself. Noel smiled a little, "Mine's Noel, nice to meet you." Noel said, then asked her another question: "What are you doing alone in here?". Mary took a moment to answer, "I was... looking for someone." she replied shyly. "I understand, can you describe me how this person was?" he asked, "S-so, he had white spiky hair, and... and light blue eyes." replied Mary. Noel's face became more happy, "Y'know, I know him!" he said, Mary was left surprised, "Really?" she asked, her shyness fading away a little, and more comfortable talking with Noel. He nodded, "We're looking for him, he's our friend." he explained. Mary became a tad bit happy, she had a tiny smile in the corner of her lips. "Can... Can I join you?" she asked, still sounding a bit insicure,, yet Noel remained happy and outgoing. "Of course! Let's go!" he exclaimed, then grabbed Mary's hand and went to his friends, reaching Derek and Jazz. "Guys!" Noel exclaimed, and stopped in front of them. Derek looked at Noel, and scanned Mary from head to toe. "And who's this infant?" he asked. Jazz looked at her, "She's cute." he smiled, "Her name is Mary! She's also looking for Riko." Noel introduced Mary. "A child? You gotta be kidding me" Derek said with a scoff, and with an eye roll. "Come on, Derek, it's always good to meet new people." Jazz said. "Can you both introduce yourselves?" Noel asked. "Oh sure!" Jazz said, before looking at Mary, "My name is Jazz, pleased to meet you." he introduced himself, "T-the pleasure is all mine!" Mary said. Derek had his arms crossed, "Derek's the name." he said. And just like that, the raining stopped. Noel and Jazz closed their umbrellas. "Finally!" Noel exclaimed. The four heard foosteps approaching them, and when they turned to look where the sound came from... It was Riko! "You were looking for me, no?" he asked. Mary's eyes started to get watery, and when Riko looked at her, his own eyes went a bit wide in surprise. Mary started to approach Riko, then running and giving him a tight embrace. It was so unexpected everyone else were surprised, even Derek, ever so slightly. "You're alive, you're alive!" Mary said between tears of joy and sobs. The others started to smile, "It was her you were looking for." Derek pointed out, Riko's eyes drifted to look at him, "It was, thank you." he thanked them. "It was nothing!" Noel exclaimed while rising a thumb up, and with a playful wink. Jazz give Noel's shoulder a pat, "Well done, dude." he said. Mary wiped the tears from her eyes, and turned to look at Noel with a bright smile. "I thank you, Noel." she thanked him. "No problem!" he replied. "You aren't so bad after all." Riko said, "Told you, two idiots." Derek added. Mary started to giggle, before saying, "Doesn't that make you an idiot, too, Derek?" she asked. Derek glanced at Mary, with a frustrated expression, "Maybe..." he replied, unsure. Mary and the others burst out laughing, beside Derek, and Riko who remained indifferent. From this point new bonds and friendships could born. The squad has grown, and a lot, who knows, maybe they are ready for that trip to Austin, and the mystery of those all black guys. Has to be seen.

𝒜𝒸𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓂𝒾𝒸 Mission (English Ver.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora