Chapter 46 - Wedding Bells

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You awoke, the sun beating through the partly drawn curtains on the warm Saturday morning. You couldn't believe Leah's wedding day had come around so quickly, time had passed at lightning speed.

As you moved through your morning routine, the reality of the day ahead began to sink in. You were excited, but nerves dominated your emotions. The only weddings you had experienced were an elaborate show of wealth that still somehow made you feel awful, the true feeling being jealously.

You remembered seeing the bride in her beautiful white gown, meeting the groom in his tailored suit, wondering if you'd ever get that chance. You'd look to your left and see Levi, then look to your right and see no one, meaning your question was answered rather bluntly, leaving a lump in your throat, eyes brimming.

You cleared your mind with a cup of berry infused tea, trying to snap out of those thoughts rather quickly. Despite the flurry of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you, you knew that you needed to stay grounded, to focus on the "task" at hand.

With Harvey occupied with his own responsibilities for Elliott's wedding preparations, you found yourself alone in the farmhouse, making getting ready an arguably easier process. As you began to get ready for the day ahead, a sense of determination settled over you. Today wasn't about regretting and mourning the past, it was about embracing the future and celebrating your friends.

As you prepared for the day, you prioritised skincare, ensuring your skin was protected and nourished. With a few simple makeup steps, you opted for a flawless foundation, subtle eyeshadow, mascara to brighten your eyes, and a touch of blush and lipstick to complete the look. With your makeup done, you felt ready to help Leah get married.

You glanced at the time, it was 11am.

You knew you needed to arrive before the ceremony as you had more of a role in her wedding, as well as being what Leah had asked for.

Stepping out of the farmhouse, you made your way along the path. The morning air was crisp, the sun casting a warm glow over the valley. You knocked on the door, a voice called out. You entered to find her surrounded by Emily and Haley, all helping with last-minute preparations. Leah's face lit up when she saw you.

"There you are!" she exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're here. How do I look?" She stood back, twirling her dress. It was a sleek, modern and minimalistic, capturing her personality effortlessly. "You look stunning," you replied, taking in her elegant wedding dress and warm smile. "Everything's going to be perfect."

Leah beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of nervousness. "Thank you. I couldn't have done this without all of you." She looked around between you the three of you, clearly very grateful for everything you had done. Weddings were no easy feat by any means. As the final preparations and details were confirmed, you felt a sense of calm settle over you. You knew you could conquer the day and not let the past confine you.

Entering Haley and Emily's house with Leah, you watched from their window. You could see the guests gathered, taking their seats as the sun beamed down. The weather was so warm that you could feel your forehead beginning to sweat and it seemed everyone else was in the same predicament. 

"How's everyone feeling?" Emily asked, watching for Leah's response in particular. Leah took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the bustling town square from the window. "A bit nervous, but mostly excited," she admitted, a smile breaking through. "It all feels so real now."

Emily nodded, her supportive presence a calming force. "That's completely normal. Just remember, this day is all about you and Elliott. Everything else is secondary." You couldn't help but nod in agreement. Everything else was secondary, and that was something that could be applied to your own life.

Haley chimed in, handing Leah a small fan out of her handbag. "Here, this should help with the heat. And don't worry about the guests, they're here to celebrate you two, sweat and all." She giggled, Leah also joining in. Still laughing, she took the fan gratefully. "Thanks Haley, I just want everything to be perfect."

The final moments ticked away, and soon it was time to head to the square. You helped Leah with the last adjustments to her dress and veil, ensuring every detail was in place. With a final deep breath, she seemed ready. You ran over the order of the aisle once more, confirming that you would walk along the aisle first, followed by Leah. She had chosen to walk down the aisle with Gus, as her she didn't know her dad. 

As you left the house, you felt a wave of nerves course through you, aware of the importance of your role. Usually Harvey was around to tone those nerves down, but right now he was also coping with his own anxiety being Elliotts best man. The ceremony began, and you prepared mentally to walk down the aisle, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. You took a deep breath and stepped forward, focusing solely on the path ahead.

As Leah stepped into the square, a hush fell over the crowd. The music played softly, and all eyes turned to her. You saw Elliott waiting at the altar, and next to him stood Harvey, dressed in a dark green suit that complemented each of his individual features perfectly, like usual. His eyes met yours for a brief moment and you could see his heart drop at the sight of you. You felt a warm blush flush your cheeks.

His suit hugged his broad shoulders and waist in a way that highlighted his strong yet gentle demeanour. His dark hair was neatly styled, alluding an air of sophistication. Even from a distance, you could see the subtle hint of a smile playing on his lips, the corners of his mouth twitching upward as he watched you walk down the aisle. For a second it felt as if the wedding was your own, but knowing it wasn't, you snapped back into reality.

Leah approached Elliot, exchanging a kiss. Lewis began the ceremony, his words a blend of wisdom and warmth. You stood nearby, witnessing the exchange of vows and rings, feeling the emotion in the air. Leah and Elliott's voices trembled with emotion as they spoke their promises, something of which put a lump in your throat.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Lewis announced, his voice ringing with joy.

Elliott and Leah leaned into each other. As they shared their first kiss as a married couple, the crowd erupted into applause, cheers filling the air. You couldn't help but join in, your heart swelling with happiness for your friends. Harvey's eyes met yours again, and you shared a smile. The moment felt perfect, surrounded by friends and the happiness of the newlyweds.

After the ceremony, the celebration moved to the beach, where tables were set up under canopies adorned with flowers and twinkling fairy lights. The ocean breeze carried the sound of laughter and music, creating an idyllic atmosphere for the reception.

You found yourself standing near the edge of the gathering, taking in the sight of everyone mingling and celebrating. Overlooking the beach, you felt a strong wave of peace wash over you as the ocean lapped the shore. A soft breeze made your dress flow and move with the air.

You couldn't believe how far you had come in the Valley. You never imagined being close enough to anyone to be a bridesmaid. Life had thrown you various hurdles that you had somehow miraculously overcome, and now you could bask in that happiness for a while before the next.

 Harvey approached you, his steps measured and eyes locked on yours.

"Care to dance?" he asked, offering his hand with a charming smile.

"Dance with you?" You teased. Nodding in response, he held out his hand.

As he smirked at you, you couldn't help but think about how much Harvey had grown as a person since you had been together, developing a newfound confidence and allure.

"I promise, a dance with you can only lead to good things."

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