Chapter 21 - One Year Later

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"Evangeline." He began again, his beautiful eyes gazing into yours, his hand brushing against yours.


"Yes?" You answered.

"3, 2, 1!"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

As Harvey's words hung in the air, time seemed to slow down. It felt as if the world around you had stopped. Never had you imagined that this, this of all things, would happen here, and to you of all people. You never expected to fall for someone, you moved away from the city lights to get away from all that yucky romance stuff...

Meanwhile the vibrant fireworks illuminated the night sky with a dazzling display of colours, the townsfolk around you cheering and welcoming in the new year. Bursting in mesmerising patterns, the fireworks painted the sky in hues of red and green, casting a bright glow over the town centre. In a way, the bright explosions mirrored the fireworks of emotions within you. The spark of hope, curiosity, and the thrill of the night mingled together, creating a kaleidoscope of feelings that matched the vibrant bursts of light.

You gazed at Harvey, searching his eyes for any signs of hesitation or doubt. Instead, you found sincerity and genuine affection reflected back at you.

"Yes!" You beamed back. As the declaration escaped your lips, you saw Harvey look somewhat stunned. With the on going celebrations, it felt as if the entire continent had joined in your celebration. Harvey's eyes widened with delight, mirroring your own ecstatic expression. A wide grin spread across his face as he pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms enveloping you in a warmth that matched the fiery display above.

Pulling away, you both stood and stared into the sky in awe of the breathtaking display, feeling the warmth of each other's presence and the promise of a new future.

"Happy new year Evangeline!" Emily exclaimed, running up to you and hugging you tightly nearly tackling you to the floor. You were certain she was drunk. "Happy New Year, Emily!" you laughed, returning her enthusiastic embrace. Her infectious energy filled the air, and you couldn't help but be swept up in her excitement.

"I can't believe you've nearly been here for a year already! It feels as if you've been here for years!" She giggled as you both laughed and regained your balance.

You chuckled along with Emily, feeling a mix of disbelief and nostalgia wash over you. "I know, right? It's hard to believe how quickly time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday I arrived in this beautiful valley, and now it feels like home."

Suddenly Emily's eyes sparkled with hope. "I have a feeling this year is going to be amazing, Evangeline! We're going to make it the best one yet!"

You couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at her words in agreement. Your mind panned to the upcoming wedding, the new seasons for crops and development and most importantly, the new relationship that had blossomed between you and Harvey. The past year had been filled with unexpected twists and turns, leading you to this moment, and you were ready to embrace whatever the future held.

Together, you and Emily joined the crowd, dancing and celebrating under the starry night sky. Laughter echoed through the air as friends and neighbours celebrated the joy of new beginnings.

Moments passed in flickering glimpses, and the next thing you knew, you found yourself standing in front of your own doorstep. The sense of relief washed over you, mingling with the remnants of inebriation. You fumbled with the keys, a clumsy dance between your fingers and the lock, until finally, you managed to push the door stubborn open to step inside.

The familiar sights and sounds of your home greeted you, offering a momentary respite from the chaos of the outside world. Milo ran up to you excitedly, licking your leg and jumping up at you for attention. You gave him a gentle stroke. Stumbling towards the nearest piece of furniture that could provide support your weight, you collapsed onto the couch with a heavy sigh. The room spun around you, the dizziness still clinging to your senses.


In the soft glow of the early morning light, you slowly blinked open your eyes, momentarily disoriented by your surroundings. As you took in your surroundings, you realized you were lying on the living room floor, the remnants of last night scattered around you.

Sitting up and rubbing your eyes groggily, you stretched your limbs, feeling a slight ache in your muscles from the previous night's escapades. Memories from the night flashed through your mind, both the exhilarating moments and the haziness of the later hours.

Thats when you remembered that moment.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

That did in fact happen, and it was real.

A smile spread across your face as the memory of Harvey's words ran through your mind. It was a moment that had taken you by surprise, catching you off guard amidst the chaos and excitement of the New Year's celebration.

You couldn't help but replay the scene in your mind—the colorful fireworks illuminating the night sky, the love in Harvey's eyes, and the genuine warmth in his voice as he asked you to be his girlfriend.

With renewed energy, you rose from the floor and made your way to the bathroom to freshen up. On your way, you noticed a note on the kitchen table. You picked it up. The handwriting was scribbled and cursive.

"I made sure you got in safe last night. I was going to put you to bed but you refused to let me in. You said you wanted to make sure I got home to sleep too. You are a very funny, honey. Harvey x"

A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you read the note left by Harvey. He refused to let you walk home alone, even on the days you were sober and it was still light outside. Setting the note aside, you continued on your way to the bathroom, still smiling to yourself.

As you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you realised how red your eyes were. You had slept in your mascara and it seemed as if some had gotten in your eyes. You sighed with a slight smile and began to wipe the makeup off gently. You had a warm shower and got ready to relax for the day.

Soon spring would start and you needed to ensure that you were prepared.

Love Is The Best Medicine (Stardew Valley - Harvey)Where stories live. Discover now