Chapter 6 - Let's Go To The Beach

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- Day 4 of Summer -

You woke.

Spring had passed and summer had risen on the valley. Already, you had gained a large taste of what the summer could offer in the rural countryside. Summer on the farm seemed like a lively time of year, with warm sunshine and a pleasant breeze blowing through the fields. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and your newly planted crops were already thriving. The sounds of birds chirping and insects buzzing could be heard all round, creating a soothing symphony of nature that you listened too like a favourite song.

You found yourself busy and the days were long and filled with hard work, but you enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction that came with watching your crops grow and flourish. You had finally named your farm too, deciding on 'Tulip Farm,' as it reminded you of your mother; tulips had been her favourite flower.

As the sun set each day, you developed a routine where you would relax on your porch and take in the stunning summer scenery. The sky was always many brilliant shades of amber and pink, and occasionally fireflies danced in the warm evening air in front of you. It was a time for relaxation and reflection, something of which you would of never experience in the confines of a city.

Summer was also a time for community events, like the annual Luau and the Dance of The Moonlight Jellies. You had been preparing, purposely growing high quality ingredients for the soup.

As you attended your tasks for the day, you saw a group of familiar faces approach the entrance to your farm. It was Emily, Haley and Leah, all with bags full of what looked like towels and suncream.

"Evangeline!" Haley bounced, smiling at you. Originally, she was distant and dismissive towards you when you first arrived in Pelican Town, but as time went by, Haley began to warm up to you. She saw how well you connected with the other villagers and decided that maybe you weren't the original evil she took you for. One spring day, as you were walking past Haley's house, she called out to you from her doorway. She apologised for her ill attitude, and since then you have been good friends. You took this as proof that the unexpected could happen.

"We are heading to the beach, and we all would love if you came!" Leah announced before Haley, making her expression change to a more defeated one. You felt slightly overwhelmed, you were not prepared to go to the beach, nor had you finished your tasks for the day. "A couple of other people are gonna be there too!" Haley exclaimed, making sure you knew she was eager for you to come. You sighed, your gut instinct telling you to just take a day off for once and relax with your friends. "Oh come on Evangeline!" Haley added.

"That sounds like fun, of course I am coming." You smiled.

"Yay!" Haley beamed.

You headed back inside to gather some things for the beach. You packed a towel, some sun cream, a good book and some flip-flops. (Also an alcoholic beverage just for the fun of drinking on the beach.) You rummaged through your drawers to find some form of swimwear. Eventually you found an old bikini. You slipped over a light airy dress on top and some sandals and headed to the door.

The four of you head towards the beach, smiling and giggling as you went. It was in moments like these that really enjoyed the Valley for what it was, and loathed the city for keeping you hostage for so long.

Haley and Leah laid their towels down on the sand and Emily began to apply sun cream to her arms. You spread out your towel next to them and led down too. As the warm sun beat down on your skin, you all began chatting and laughing, sharing stories and enjoying the warm summer breeze. You were sprawled out on beach towels, sunglasses covering your eyes and the sound of the ocean waves lulling you into a relaxed state. The salty air smelled strangely sweet as it mingled with the scent of sunscreen.

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