Chapter 4 - Smooth Recovery

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A few days had passed. You were instructed to stay at the clinic by Harvey to ensure your stitches would not rupture with the movement of walking. Your injury, though painful, was healing well and Dr. Harvey had given you the all-clear to return to your light daily activities, as long as that didn't include any heavy duty tasks such as swinging an axe or worse, mining an ore.

As you walked out of the clinic, you inhaled the fresh air of Stardew Valley, feeling grateful to be out of the hospital bed and back on your feet finally. You gently stretched your arms and legs, testing out your range of motion, feeling a sense of relief as you realise that you are not experiencing any major discomfort. However, as you start to walk, you feel a slight twinge in your injured limb, a reminder of the trauma it endured on your foolish venture. However, you push through the twinges, determined to get back to your usual routine.

You decided to take a slow stroll through the valley, taking in the sights and sounds of springtime. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly-cut grass. You felt grateful to be alive and healthy, and you vowed in that moment to take better care of yourself in the future, to prevent any future injuries or setbacks like this incident again. As you passed by, you noticed Jodi in the distance approaching with a basket full of fresh veg from Pierres.

"Hey there, Jodi!" you called out, waving as she approached. Jodi turned towards the sound of your voice, not noticing your presence before and smiled warmly. "Oh, hello Evangeline!" she replied. "I am so relieved to see you up and about after that terrible scare you had..." She frowned, a concerned tone carrying her words.

"I'm okay Jodi, the doctor knows what he is doing after all."

"Yes, he is a good man," Jodi stopped and frowned, "perhaps a lonely man at times too... but he seems content enough."

You frowned, unable to process what Jodi had just claimed. You didn't understand how a man as sweet and alluring as himself could be... lonely? You had instantly assumed him and Maru were a thing to be truthful. Your mind fluttered and rushed to change the subject.

"How's your day going?" you asked.

"It's going well," Jodi replied with a smile lifting her basket of vegetables. "I was just buying some fresh produce," she said. "I'm planning on making a delicious salad for dinner tonight, as lately all I have been feeding the boys is Joja Mart food because its so much cheaper..." She explained, "They do seem to enjoy it, however I'm not too sure it is healthy for their growth."

"Well, times are tough, I don't blame you. You are always welcome to produce of mine for cheaper prices if you are struggling to afford typical regular upturned prices." You smiled, holding out a metaphorical hand for Jodi.

"That's lovely of you Evangeline, thank you." She grinned, a hopeful tone in her voice as she spoke. "I must dash, dinner won't make itself! Bye Evangeline!"

You waved her goodbye and continued on your journey home. Life in the Valley was seemingly a rewarding one. The townsfolk were full of compassion and warmth for one another, something not so common in the big city.

- Time: 9:23pm -

You felt your body slump as you finally made your way to your bed. The last couple of days had taken its toll on you, and all you wanted to do was crawl under the covers and sink into your soft mattress. As you slipped into bed, you felt the cool sheets and fluffy pillows envelop you, easing the tension in your muscles. You pulled the covers up to your chin and let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the day fall away from you.

Love Is The Best Medicine (Stardew Valley - Harvey)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora