Ep 26: Rest by the beach side

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Y/n's pov:

Y/n: "hey dear citizens of Busan!! Who are now dead zombies!!"

They turned their deteriorated head towards me and growled loudly in anger... They will soon have a BP problem...

Y/n: "Wanna play with me!?"

They started running towards me after growling.

Y/n: "I'm taking it as a yes!! Try to catch me if you can!!"

I began to run on the left direction after all the vehicles went.

I began to fire in their useless heads and hearts whenever a zombie comes near me.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were shooting zombies behind me. And Uncle from the sunroof.

Actually the plan was to kill all of them because we have to take another turn and there, they might pounce on us without is knowing because there's only 20 km distance...

I noticed the tension on their faces and that's why I turned my head just to stop my running steps..

I heard Namjoon's yell before screeching sound

Namjoon: "STOOOPP!!"

Dad: "What are you doing y/n!?"

Y/n: "There are just increasing mot decreasing... I have a plan B."

Seokjin: "Don't tell me that the plan B is even more dangerous!!"

Y/n: "Just go all of you!!"

Yoongi: "We are not leaving you here in danger alone!!"

Hoseok: "Why this zombies ain't moving..?"

I was facing my back towards the angry and confused team because they don't know what I'm holding in my hands...

Well I'm kinda confused too.. I don't think this is the reason why all of them stopped on thier way...

Y/n: "Just go and trust me like you do!!"

Jungkook: "No way!!"

Jungwoo: "Y/n..if I trust you.. Will-"

Y/n: "I'm not leaving you all.. Just go!!!"

Seokjin: "Fine!"

Taehyung: "I will drive. You take rest Jungwoo!"

Y/n: "Thanks!!"

I breathed deeply when I heard vehicles driving sounds.. And threw three bombs in those zombies' direction.

They began to run again after a few seconds and-



Namjoon: .. "What was that..?"

Yoongi: "Fi..fire..?"

Mom: "Where is y/n..?"

Jungkook: "Eomma.."

Mom: "Where is she..?"

Namjoon: "WHY!?!?"

Jimin: .. "Y/N!!!"

Hoseok: "Y/N!! ARE YOU OK!?!?"

I came running from the black smoke and fire..

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