I opened the door and there he was, staring at his phone. When he looked up, he pushed the locks that had fallen over his face back and stared at me. He was worried about me and it was written all over his face.

“Hey,” he said, walking in. “How are you?” He halted at a spot and after I closed the door, I turned to face him.

“Better,” I smiled.

It wasn’t even a lie, when I laid my eyes on Nicklaus, I felt all the nervous knots lose inside my stomach. And as he walked past me, his fresh body scent which indicated he was fresh out of the shower swept all the anxious feelings out of me. Instantly, I felt better. I felt safe.

I walked past Nicklaus who was still standing at a spot and his gaze followed me. I got some water in a glass cup and rounding the kitchen island, Nicklaus spoke up again.

“Did he send in another text?”

Nicklaus had asked that I unblock Carl which I did. I shook my head no and took a large sip from the water.

“I didn’t get any,” I placed the glass on the island top, and leaned into it, placing my arms on it.

Nicklaus took some steps towards me and paused before inching closer once again. I shifted my braids out of the way and turned my gaze in his direction.

“Muna,” he started, but I was a little distracted by his lips. What was wrong with me? He slid both hands into his grey jogger pocket, and his black T-shirt clung to his hard chest. “I was talking to a friend who is also a detective.” He started and I felt my body tense. Calm down… my inner voice cooed. “If you are okay with it, he can come down here and talk to you first before you go on and make an official—”

I didn’t know when it happened, but my hand which was resting on the island top moved, and the next thing was the glass of water shattering on the ground, interrupting Nicklaus’s words. I jumped and before I could raise my gaze, Nicklaus had already closed the gap between us.

“Are you okay?” He asked, but not only was he asking. His strong arms were wrapped under my butt as he lifted me off the floor and carefully placed me on the island top. Since I was too shocked to answer him the first time, he asked again, “Are you okay, love?” He cradled my face in his hands.

I nodded repeatedly, “I’m fine.”

That wasn’t a lie. Let me just say, I was more than fine.

A lot was happening to me right now, but let’s start with my heartbeat which seemed to have been asleep until now. My nostrils had inhaled his masculine scent in a large amount, and not only had it awoken the flutters in my stomach, but it had flipped a switch in me. A dangerous switch.

Nicklaus was still holding my face like an egg and not leaving it, it was as if he was searching for something in my eyes. I wondered if he could feel it, the warmth that my cheeks grew after he had touched it.

“I am fine, Nicklaus,” I smiled.

I felt his hands loosen on my cheek but I couldn’t let it go. No, I wouldn’t. I liked it there, I liked what it did to my body. So, my hands reached to both of his wrists and pressed his palms deeper into my face. There was a passing silence and the only thing loud in the air was our intense gazes which were locked together, and the deep breath that escaped us. I bit my lower lip, and Nicklaus’s gaze flickered to my lips before shifting back to my eyes.

My heart continued to hit loudly against my rib cage as I swallowed, “Thank you.”

My eyes flickered to his lips and a sudden urge to kiss him hit me. Maybe it hit him too because his gaze flashed across my face too, lingering a little longer on my lips. I wanted to kiss him, but instead, I moved my head closer to his and placed my forehead against his.

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