Good or Bad, Anytime

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Hey everyone, I'm so sorry this is late. I was out of town and just got back a little while ago. Without any further delay, here is the next chapter for your reading pleasure. 

Happy Reading    (:


"Midoiya, looky!" Masao yelled as I sat beside Bakugo on the couch to join the video call. I had just walked in to make lunch when I heard the kids' voices coming from the living room. "I like Daddy now!" He held up his right arm, which was covered with temporary tattoos.

"Woah! That's awesome, bud!" They looked like they had been rubbed off slightly, but he still seemed so proud of them. "You've also been doing amazing at pronouncing your L's."

"We've been practicing," Hanako chimed in. "Since he gets to start preschool soon, we've been practicing a lot of cool things!"

"That's awesome," Bakugo said with a smile. "Are you guys having fun with grandma and grandpa?"

"Yeah, but we miss you," Kenzo said. "When are you coming?"

"We'll be there next Friday for dinner," he said.

Hanako looked confused. "You work on Friday, right?"

He shook his head. "I took the day off so I can make it there for Kimi's first birthday."

"How many vacation days do you have?" I asked. He said he had a lot, but since we'll be finalizing the planning, that'll be nice to know.

"I have 27 days left."

My jaw practically dropped. "How much vacation time a year do you get?"

"Twenty days, but I can roll over ten at the end of the year. Since I didn't use them, I had six at the beginning of the year. I've used a few randomly, but not many." He turned his attention back to his phone. "I can't wait to use them to take you all to some really cool places."

"Where are we going?" Hanako asked.

"It's a surprise," he said teasingly.

Hanako and Kenzo groaned. They've been asking where we're going for weeks, but Bakugo hasn't told them. I know a few places, but not all of them. He's even keeping me in the dark about everything.

"Are we still going camping when you pick us up?" Hanako asked.

"Yes," Bakugo said. "We're only going for three nights since Kimi can't go."

"Why can't Kimi go?" Kenzo asked.

"Because she's too little for tent camping," he explained. We could swing it if he wanted to, but it would be nice to give the older three our full attention without worrying about Kimi.

"What about the rest of the vacation?" Hanako questioned. "Is she coming with us?"

"She is," Bakugo said. "We'll all be together after the tent camping."

"Midoiya comes too?" Masao asked, shoving his eyeball directly in front of the camera. I couldn't help but chuckle at his silliness.

"Yeah, buddy. I'll be there too," I reassured. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Kids! Time for lunch!" Bakugo's mother yelled somewhere off screen.

"Nom noms!" Masao yelled before running away, leaving us with Hanako and Kenzo, who laughed at their little brother.

"You two go enjoy your lunch, alright? I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy," they said in unison before saying, "Bye, Midoriya," to me.

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