Goodnight, Talks

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Hey everyone here we go again, here is the next one for your reading pleasure

Happy Reading  (:


I stopped by the store to see Uraraka. Her shift was almost over, and I was going to her place to hang out. Tsu and Todoroki were already there. They started getting everything ready for our game night. Tonight was a Mario Kart race-off, best seven out of ten-ish. "So, how's the job going?" Uraraka asked me as her last customer walked out the door.

"Umm.... well, it's not too bad. We had a breakthrough not last night but the night before," I said as I smiled shyly at her. I looked around the store, taking in its size. It isn't small, but it isn't big either. I never really noticed before. It looks like it has been remodeled, maybe within the last year or two. There are hardly any bad scuffs on the floor, and the place doesn't look as worn in as I thought it had.

She raised a brow at me. "So, Friday night? I'm guessing a good breakthrough?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. We understand each other a little more," I said as my hand found the back of my neck. "How much longer do you have before you clock out?"

She looked up at the clock behind the counter. "Thirty minutes. Cami should be here any minute."

I don't remember her ever saying that name before. "Cami, is she new?"

"Yeah, she started last week. She came in looking for a job, and my manager just happened to be here, and he hired her on the spot, no application, interview, or anything." She looked a little irritated about it.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Is there something about her? You seem, I don't know, kinda upset about that."

Turning to me, she pursed her lips. "It's not that; it's just that she is the kind of girl who gets everything she wants without trying. She is charming and has the body of a model. All she has to do is show up, and she gets anything."

She looked back at the clock before turning back to me. "I mean, she came in and just started talking about how she received a call about an interview she had a week or two before and how she didn't get the job. She was going on about how the guy was flirting with her, and she didn't return his interest, so he didn't hire her."

I was shocked. "He sounds like an ass."

"Right, that is what I thought, but I have seen her flirt with guys here. She is all sweet to them and everything, but if they flirt back, she will talk about how they wouldn't leave her once they leave the store. Even the guys that don't seem into her."

I chuckled a bit. "Like she is trying to convince herself they are into her?"

Snapping her fingers toward me, she said, "My thoughts exactly. Any girl like that is trouble."

I nodded as I stood before the counter and heard the door open. Before I could move, I heard a voice from behind me. Even though I knew someone had walked in, I still jumped a bit as he said, "Twenty on three, please."

Stepping to the side so he could pay, I saw that it was the guy that was in here before with the pink-haired girl and her friend. "Sure thing." Uraraka smiled at him.

Turning to me, he smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I don't believe we've met. My name is Sero. You live next door... right at Bakugo's?" He held his hand out for me to shake.

I blinked at him before reaching out and grabbing his hand. "Yes, I stay in the pool house. I'm Midoriya... the nanny." I said with a small laugh, trying to hide my nerves. His dark hair and height remind me of Tenya. Besides that, he seems nice. His grip surely wasn't as strong as the one I had grown accustomed to.

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