One Step Further

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Hey there everyone, here is the next chapter for your reading pleasure. 

Happy Reading   (: 


I have had the pool open for three days now. True to my word, I didn't mind Midoriya swimming in front of my kids. I haven't heard them ask about his piercings, and he hasn't said anything in front of me. He doesn't go around shirtless, though. My kids can be discreet when they want to. They may have asked him without me knowing.

Masao has gone from only standing in the shallow end of the pool, mainly on the stairs, to floating on his back while Midoriya is standing there with him. I have to say the longer he is around my kids, the more they come out of the shells they've been in. The more they learn and show me what they can do. He is so caring with my kids. Sometimes, I still wait for the rug to be pulled from under me. Is he too good to be true?

I watched him and my children while I sat at the patio table with my Laptop, looking into the places Midoriya told me about. I was trying to make reservations for Palo Duro Canyon. The kids only have six weeks of school left before the summer break. Since we are camping in a tent at Oakland Heights, I figured I would like to rent an RV camper for the canyon. Now that I know I am not going to have to pay Eijiro's cheating ass anything, I have more to spend on my kids.

Damn. All I can think about is how he almost got away with it. I know I will hear from him when he finds out about it, but I will not be the one to tell him. I will leave that up to my lawyer. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Midoriya tell the kids. "We have thirty minutes, and then we have to get out." They all groaned, except Kimi. She sat at my feet in her bouncer, playing with her keys. "Look, guys, I have to make dinner, and you can't stay here alone."

I smiled to myself as I heard the three of them groan again, followed by, "Okay."

I continued to look at the canyon website and then Dinosaur Valley. They are both in Texas but are a six-hour drive from each other. Well, shit, I thought we could do both in one day, but I guess not. Well, that will definitely be a road trip. It's a good thing I want to rent an RV; they also come with WIFI. That way, it makes it much easier on everyone if I need to work.

I looked up as Midoriya was getting the kids out of the pool. "Come on, I have dinner to make, and you guys need baths, and maybe we can watch a movie after dinner." I chuckled at how he didn't even ask if I had plans. I mean, I don't, but what if I did? The kids came running for their towels. Masao's teeth chattered as Midoriya wrapped his around him.

Looking up from my computer, I said, "You know that was forty-five minutes, right? Or can you not tell time?"

He smiled at me. "I know I gave them a few extra minutes. No big deal...r-right?" By the end of what he was saying, he sounded unsure of himself, as if he overstepped his bounds.

I shook my head. "What are you making for dinner?" I asked as I shut my laptop, looking up at him from my seat at the table. I noticed he sighed in relief as worry left his face.

Standing beside Masao, he looked down at me, wet curls stuck to his forehead. "I was thinking about burgers on the grill. Is that alright?" His eyes held that same look I had seen before, as if he needed my approval. I felt... I'm not sure what I felt.

I shrugged. "Sounds great. I didn't know you could grill."

He smiled shyly. "Well, I never have. I kinda wanted to try."

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