Poured Another

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Hey there my Happy Readers.  Here is  your weekend BKDK fix , hope you holds you over till next time.      Happy Reading    (:


It has been four days since my meeting and Midoriya's meltdown in the kitchen. He told me he ran from an abusive relationship, but he didn't say if it was physical, mental or emotional. After his reaction, I am sure it was physical, but I am not sure about the rest. I need to talk to him about this, but I am unsure how to bring it up.

I looked at the clock in my office; it was almost lunchtime. Just then, there was a soft knock at my office door. "Come in," I said.

The door opened slowly, and Midoriya's head popped in before the rest of him. "Lunch is ready." He said softly, not making eye contact with me. It was as if he was walking on eggshells around me. I sighed heavily. I'm not used to that. I stood from my desk, making my way to the kitchen.

Masao was at the table, and Kimi was already eating in her high chair. I sat down as he placed a plate in front of me. "This looks good," I said as I looked at what I could only assume was a club sandwich with fries, a pickle spear, and an Iced tea.

"I wasn't sure if you would like it," he said in a soft, timid voice. After our encounter two days ago, he has been very quiet and withdrawn when he is not with the children. I have heard him speak normally when he is with my kids but not around me. I sigh heavily again. Was I too harsh on him?

Maybe I should have cooled off before talking...well, yelling at him. I mean, I should be honest about it. All I could see was Eijiro every time my bank app went off. I got pissed and blew up. I am sure it won't be the last time I make an ass of myself. I feel like an ass. I know I'm not, but I feel like one. I have gotten better at managing my anger.

I heard him on the phone with his friends last night, making plans for the weekend. I don't have friends, just nosey neighbors that think they are my friends. I only talked to them when they were around Eijiro. I haven't seen them since he left. Some 'friends'. "I do like it. I just thought you should know," I said once I was done and ready to head back to my office. He only nodded at me, still not meeting my eyes.

The rest of my work day went by quickly and uneventfully. Midoriya left about two hours ago to get Hanako and Kenzo from school. He told me he was going to take the kids to get ice cream after school. I don't mind if he takes them every once in a while. I told him that was fine and that I would see them when they got home. I was left alone with my thoughts. I decided to go outside into my backyard and get some fresh air. "Hey, Bakugo. I looked up to see my pink-haired neighbor smiling at me over the fence.

I cocked an eyebrow at her. She must be standing on something. It is a ten-foot-tall privacy fence, which Eijiro wanted so he could sunbathe in the nude. "What?" I said curtly. I was not in the mood for company or chit-chat.

She smiled again. "I couldn't help but notice that delicious little cutie you have moved in over there. I am assuming it is over between you and Eijiro?"

I rolled my eyes, regretting the decision to come outside. "I am sure you two knew before I did," I told her, not holding back my distaste for the conversation.

A look of shock took over her face. "No, we had no idea anything was even wrong. The way he gushed about you, I was too caught off guard when he posted pictures of his new boyfriend online."

Narrowing my eyes at her, I am not surprised he did. I remember I wasn't shocked when I saw them. I don't typically keep up with social media much, if at all. My accounts are for work. I only nodded at her, not saying a word.

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