Loud Silence

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Hello my Happy Readers. Here is the next chapter to help get that BKDK fix.  

Happy Reading  (:


"Good morning," I mumbled when Bakugo walked into the kitchen. Usually, I would pour him a cup of coffee. But I'm still holding a grudge about how he treated me yesterday during the laundry fiasco.

My friends said they didn't know much about him and that he seemed reserved. I don't know if reserved is the right word. I don't necessarily think he's a massive jerk. More like cold.

A heart filled with ice.

"Morning," he replied while grabbing a mug from the cabinet. I ignored him and let him do his own thing while I continued packing lunch for Hanako and Kenzo. I had to get them up for school soon, and I wanted to have their lunch packed so I could make breakfast while they were getting ready.

"Don't forget that I have a meeting today at eleven," Bakugo said.

I nodded. "I know." I closed up both lunches and slid them into their lunchboxes before putting a juice box in each of them. I slid them into the fridge and turned toward the stairs. Bakugo looked like he was going to say something, but Kimi's loud cries echoed through the baby monitor clipped to my jeans.

I let out a sigh of relief before practically rushing for the stairs. Once upstairs, I walked around the playmat and to Kimi's room. She was on her feet with her hands wrapped tightly around the top bar.

It may have only been a weekend, but she liked me. So when she saw me, her cries quieted as I pulled her from her crib. "Good morning, Sunshine."

I laid her on the changing table before unbuttoning her onesie and tossing it in the hamper. After she had a clean diaper, I opened the drawers below her and pulled out a pair of black pants and a shirt covered in strawberries.

She cooed the entire time, desperately reaching for the empty hook on the wall. Bakugo said she had plastic keys everywhere, but I haven't seen any today. I'll have to double-check the playmat later. For now, I have to get the other three kids up and around.

I started with Hanako since she still had to shower. She slowly got out of bed while I grabbed her the outfit she already set out for the day. She's so organized for being eight. Her outfits are planned for the entire week and ready to go on Sundays.

While she showered, I walked to Kenzo's room and woke him up. Finding him an outfit with Kimi fussing on my hip was challenging, but we got it done quickly. While he was getting dressed, I walked back downstairs. Since Masao didn't have to get ready for school and didn't like a big breakfast, he could sleep in longer.

When I got back downstairs, Bakugo was gone. The office light was off, so I'm not sure where he went. What mattered was he wasn't in the kitchen. I grabbed a banana, knife, and plate before carrying Kimi to the dining room and putting her in her highchair. She could munch on the banana while I made her bottle and got breakfast ready for everyone else. I picked up eggs on my way back yesterday, but that's all I have. I thought there was still bacon and milk, but I was wrong. I have to get used to shopping for a family of six instead of two.

After Kimi's banana was cut and her bottle was in the warmer, I grabbed a mixing bowl and broke all twelve eggs inside. I'll end up going shopping again today. Which was fine, I guess. It gave me something to do while Bakugo was in his meeting.

When Hanako and Kenzo made their way downstairs, I had both of their omelets done—Kenzo with sausage and cheese and Hanako's with just cheese. I gave them their plates and a banana before sending them to the dining room with their sister, who was finished with her banana.

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