Chapter 10 - Ancient Tree - Part I

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After our relaxing and playful time by the lake, the three of us gathered our things and headed toward the Astronomy Tower for our evening class. The walk was filled with light-hearted banter and laughter, carrying over the good spirits from our lakeside games.

As we ascended the spiral staircase to the tower, Sebastian playfully nudged me, pointing toward the sky which was now a canvas of deep blues and the first sparkling stars. "I bet you can't name more constellations than me tonight," he teased, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

I grinned, accepting the challenge. "You're on, Sallow. Prepare to be outshone by a Gryffindor's superior stargazing skills."

Ominis, following behind us with his characteristic knowing smile, chimed in, "Sebastian, are you trying to impress Seraphina with your astronomical knowledge, or are you just scared you'll lose to her?"

Sebastian laughed, shaking his head as he opened the door to the Astronomy classroom for us. "I'm just making sure Seraphina gets the full benefit of learning with a Slytherin expert. It's a public service, really."

As we settled into our spots at the top of the tower, the atmosphere was buzzing with the excitement of a night under the stars. The telescope setups were already in place, and the professor began the class with a brief overview of what we'd be observing.

Throughout the class, Sebastian kept up his playful banter, pointing out constellations and occasionally 'accidentally' bumping his telescope toward a particularly beautiful star cluster, inviting me to take a look. Each time, his demeanor was light and flirtatious, drawing a soft laugh from me.

Ominis, didn't miss a beat. "Watch out, Seraphina, I think he's trying to dazzle you with celestial bodies so you won't notice his sneaky Slytherin ways at work," he joked, his tone teasing but friendly.

"Too late, Ominis," I retorted, laughing along. "I'm fully aware of his tactics. But who can say no to a starlit charm offensive?"

The class passed quickly, filled with discovery and constant laughter, underpinned by the subtle dynamics of our growing friendship. The sky above served not only as a subject of study but also as a beautiful backdrop for a night of light-hearted teasing and camaraderie.

By the time class ended, the three of us were more connected than ever, our shared experiences at Hogwarts weaving us into a tight-knit group of friends. As we walked back down the tower, the cool night air felt refreshing, and the echo of our laughter mingled with the sounds of the night creatures, a perfect end to an enchanting evening.

As Ominis bid us goodnight and headed off toward their common room, the quiet of the evening wrapped around Sebastian and me, leaving a tranquil space just for the two of us.

"I really should hit the books for a bit," I hinted as we descended the steps of the Astronomy Tower. "I've got a Transfiguration class to prepare for, and it would be nice to have some company while studying... if you're up for it."

Sebastian caught the hint with a grin, his response wrapped in his usual flirtatious charm. "I can't think of a more enchanting way to spend the evening than helping a damsel in academic distress," he quipped, his eyes twinkling in the dim light of the corridor.

Laughing, I playfully rolled my eyes. "Oh, how noble of you, Sir Sebastian. Your gallantry knows no bounds."


With light steps and shared smiles, we made our way to the library, finding a quiet corner perfect for a couple of hours of focused study. As we settled in, pulling out our Transfiguration textbooks and notes, the playful energy between us didn't wane.

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