Chapter 5 - Outsider

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Trigger warning; mention of SA

"Stop, please..." Sebastian's hushed plea barely reached my ears as my breathing became erratic, every inhale a battle. "I'm not going to hurt you, a prefect is he-" His words were cut off by a voice echoing through the tower, a voice that spelled trouble. "Hello? I heard you!" The voice was demanding, insistent. "Come out!" It grew closer, footsteps echoing with a menacing rhythm. "I know you're somewhere here; I see your satchel."

In a moment of quick thinking, Sebastian whispered a spell, and we vanished from sight just as the Ravenclaw prefect stepped into the room. Sebastian's presence loomed closer, his body shielding mine from view. The proximity was suffocating, his breaths mingling with mine in the charged air of our hideout. My body trembled uncontrollably, each heartbeat a thunderous drum in the silence of our concealment.

The Ravenclaw boy's search brought him dangerously close, his shadow looming over our invisible refuge. Sebastian's hand tightened around mine, a silent plea for trust amidst the chaos. My heart raced, teetering on the brink of panic, each breath a struggle against the tightening grip of fear.

The precarious balance between concealment and discovery, the tangible danger of the prefect's proximity, and the disorienting effect of the invisibility spell combined to create a maelstrom of emotions. I was caught in a tempest of fear and reliance, the lines between safety and peril blurred in the dim light of the storage room.

The Ravenclaw prefect's gaze lingered dangerously close to our hiding spot, his presence a mere breath away from unveiling our concealment. In this charged moment of near discovery, Sebastian drew even closer, our bodies pressed tightly together in the cramped confines of the storage room. His hand, a gentle presence in mine, traced soothing circles on my palm, a silent attempt to calm the storm of panic within me. I could feel the warmth of his breath in my hair, a surprisingly comforting sensation amidst the fear.

A sound of frustration escaped the prefect, breaking the tense silence. It seemed our luck held, for he turned on his heel and left the room, his footsteps echoing a retreat. Yet, Sebastian remained still, his body a protective barrier between me and the outside world. He didn't move until the sound of the prefect's footsteps had completely faded into the distance, ensuring our safety before finally relaxing his hold.

As Sebastian finally stepped back, a wave of concern washing over his features, my strength faltered. My knees buckled beneath me, and I found myself sliding down the wall until I was huddled on the floor, knees drawn up to my chest. Panic constricted my chest, making it nearly impossible to draw a full breath. The edges of my vision darkened, a dizzying sensation overwhelming me as tears clouded my eyes and a buzzing filled my ears.

Through the haze of my panic, I faintly heard Sebastian's voice, tinged with despair, apologizing profusely. His words were distant, muffled by the rushing sound in my ears, until the warmth of his hands on my cheeks jolted me back to reality. His eyes were wide with fear and urgency, searching mine as he crouched before me, his expression one of desperate apology.

"I'm so sorry, Seraphina. I-I didn't mean to frighten you," he stammered, his voice a blend of regret and earnest reassurance. "I would never hurt you. Ever. You are safe with me." Gently, he pressed my back against the wall, helping me to sit upright. His hand then moved to rest lightly on my chest, just below my collarbone. "Press against my hand with your lungs," he instructed, guiding me to regulate my breathing.

And so I focused on his hand, pushing against it with each shaky breath, his gaze never wavering from mine. Time seemed to stand still in that small, dimly lit room, with only his steady presence anchoring me to the present. Gradually, under his watchful care, my breathing steadied, the tears ceased, and the world began to right itself. But throughout it all, Sebastian remained by my side, a silent guardian whose eyes spoke volumes of concern and care.

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