Chapter 7 - Round Two

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Trigger warning; mention of SA and Alcoholism

Sebastian's grip tightened around me, his hands were gentle yet firm, as if afraid I'd shatter at the slightest touch. As we found a secluded spot beneath the ancient, sprawling branches of a towering tree, far from the echoes of the greenhouse altercation. His worry was palpable, each glance filled with a silent question of how deeply the encounter had shaken me. "Seraphina, talk to me, please," he implored, his voice a mixture of worry and gentle urging.

I couldn't contain the trembling that seized me, the overwhelming sense of vulnerability that washed over in relentless waves. I clung to him as though he were my lifeline, the only solid ground in a world that had suddenly turned uncertain and frightening. My hands gripped his shirt with a desperate strength, as if by holding onto him I could anchor myself away from the dark memories that threatened to consume me. "Please, Sebastian... I-I can't," I stammered, the words choked by sobs. The reality of my vulnerability, the harsh reminder of past traumas, all came crashing down on me in that secluded corner of the world.

Sebastian's arms wrapped around me, a fortress against the storm of emotions that raged within me. "I've got you. You're safe with me, I promise," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. But his eyes betrayed his own fear, the fear of seeing me so broken, so utterly lost.

I buried my face into his chest, seeking refuge in the warmth of his embrace. The fabric of his shirt absorbed my tears, each drop a testament to the raw and jagged edges of my pain. In that moment, I wasn't just holding onto Sebastian for comfort; I was clinging to him as if my very sanity depended on it. "I-I can't... It's too much. I thought I was past this, that I could handle it, but I... I feel so exposed, so weak," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of rustling leaves.

"You're not weak. Never think that, not even for a second," he murmured fiercely, his breath warm against my hair. "Whatever it is, whatever happened, you're not facing it alone. I'm here, and I swear, I won't let anyone hurt you again." His hand cradled the back of my head, fingers weaving through my hair in a gentle, rhythmic motion that sought to calm the tempest within me. "I'm here, I'm not leaving you, I've got you," he murmured, over and over, as if the words were a spell meant to banish the demons of my past.

"I-I'm so scared," I confessed, my voice broken by sobs. The terror that had been simmering below the surface erupted, overwhelming me. The intensity of my fear seemed to mirror the depth of his concern. Each shudder that ran through me was met with a gentle squeeze from Sebastian, a silent reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere.

"It's okay, you're safe now," he whispered, his voice strained with emotion. The warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart against mine were the only things that felt real in that moment. Tears, hot and unyielding, traced paths down my cheeks, each one a testament to the fears, the memories, and the pain I'd held at bay. But in his arms, the world felt a little less terrifying.

And through it all, Sebastian held me, his presence a constant through the tempest of my emotions, his whispered assurances a balm to the raw edges of my soul. In the depth of my vulnerability, in the midst of my despair, his unwavering support was the anchor that kept me grounded, reminding me that even in the darkest of times, I wasn't alone, I had him.

The grass beneath us was cool, and the ancient tree against which Sebastian leaned provided a sense of enduring strength. As my sobs slowly faded, replaced by mere sniffling, I found solace in the rhythmic stroking of my hair by Sebastian's gentle hand. Despite the turmoil within, his touch, his presence, seemed to weave a protective cocoon around me, offering a reprieve from the chaos of my emotions.

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