Chapter 9 - Storm Dancing

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As I entered the great hall, not yet bustling with the usual dinner crowd, I noticed Ominis sitting alone at the Slytherin table, a small array of pastries laid out before him as he sipped on tea. Feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt, I approached him. "Hi Ominis, may I have a minute?" I asked politely, my hands clasped in front of me. I needed to apologize for my abrupt exit during potions class and to thank him for his assistance during the greenhouse incident.

"Oh, Seraphina dear, of course, care to join?" He gestured to the seat opposite him with a welcoming smile.

"Is it permitted to sit down at a different house table?" I inquired, still unsure about some of the less official rules of Hogwarts etiquette.

He chuckled warmly. "You are quite the opposite of Sebastian; I hope he learns from you. There is no problem, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you," I replied, taking the offered seat. As I settled in, Ominis pushed the plate of pastries toward me. "Would you like some tea or some pastries?" he offered.

"Yes, thank you, I would really appreciate it. I actually came here to eat, it's nice to have company." I poured myself some tea and selected a few pastries. Once settled, I looked across at Ominis, ready to express my apologies. "Actually, Ominis, I wanted to apologize for leaving you in potions class the other day. It was really rude of me. And I want to thank you for giving Professor Garlick an excuse for Sebastian's and my sudden departure."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Ominis replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I understand your sudden need to leave. And no problem-the way Sebastian left made it clear something was off, and don't worry, it was barely audible."

Relief washed over me-a relief I hadn't realized I needed until that moment. His understanding and nonchalant response eased the lingering worry I had about the whole situation. Grateful for his generosity and understanding.

I chuckled nervously as I shared my fears with Ominis. "Oh, I'm relieved to hear that. I don't need any more rumors flying around," I said, trying to keep the tone light despite the slight tension I felt. "Being called a trollop, a mudblood, and a cheater is more than enough. I don't need something under the lines of 'Sebastian's pet' or 'Sebastian's property.'" Just saying those words gave me shivers. I was determined never to be diminished like that; I am my own person.

Ominis let out a chuckle, which caught me by surprise. I looked at him, confused by his reaction. He must have noticed my puzzled look because he quickly explained himself. "Sebastian would never let that happen," he said confidently. "Just like always, he would do some spectacle to distract the people from what was happening. Haven't you noticed? After each duel, the rumors of cheating died out."

I furrowed my brows, a realization dawning on me. So, was he losing-or better yet, tying-on purpose? It seemed Ominis noticed my inner monologue and clarified before I could voice my suspicion.

"No, darling, he did not lose or tie on purpose. Sebastian duels with honor. You are indeed a remarkable match for him," Ominis said with a nod, his voice gentle, his smile soft and reassuring.

"So... he truly is a magician," I mused aloud, half-joking but also in awe of how subtly effective Sebastian's interventions had been.

Ominis laughed at my remark, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "He truly is," he chuckled. "Which can be both a gift and a curse." He let that statement hang in the air for a moment, giving it weight.

"I must thank you, Seraphina darling," he then said, turning serious, which caught me off guard.

"Thank me?" I echoed, genuinely puzzled.

"Yes, since you've arrived, Sebastian has been... happier. There's a limit to what I can do, even as his best friend." Ominis paused, seemingly measuring his words carefully. "Since Anne became unwell, Sebastian became the shadow of the person he was. Both Anne and I were extremely worried about him... So, do not underestimate your impact on him, even if he's too stubborn to admit it. You mean a great deal to him."

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