Chapter 5

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My life went back to normal the following day. I went to school and came back home and then the holidays' began. It was really nice to spend time with Dad, Bella, Jacob, and Billy, but as soon as they left and night fell, the screams began again. Me and Dad constantly ran into Bella's room to wake her up, to try and support her, but it didn't work.

That's when Dad asked her to move back in with Mum. It was actually a really good idea because she would be able to forget and move on, but she being the stubborn twin that she is, told Dad that she won't be moving anywhere and instead met up with Jessica to see a film. I actually hopped that going out would help her somehow, and I thought it did, until Jessica told me that Bella got on a motorcycle with a stranger. I was so glad to find out that she got off before he drove any further. But that is how Bella got into motorcycles, and now we are heading to Jake's. Thank God I'm not the crazy sister.

We finally arrived at Jake's and immediately, I got out of the truck, ran to him, and jumped into his open arms.

I started laughing as he hugged me tighter and started spinning around. "Ah! Jacob, please stop!"

"Alright, alright," Jacob responded as he put me down and went to hug Bella. "Bella! 'Bout time you came by."

Bella pulled away from Jake, looking a bit uncomfortable as she walked back to her truck. "We brought you something."

She pulled the tarp off to reveal two broken motorcycles that we found next to our neighbour's. It was a bit hard to get them onto the truck because they were so heavy, but with the help of Dad and the neighbour's we managed it.

"Scrap metal," Jake said looking surprised. "You shouldn't have."

"We rescued them from the dump. They'd cost more than they're worth to fix... unless one had a mechanic-type friend," Bella said standing next to her truck looking awkward.

"Me, being the mechanic-type friend?" He asked, looking amused at her. "Since when are you into motorcycles?"

"Since recently," I answered for her. "So, can you help your friends out?"

Jake looked between me and Bella before nodding and studying the bikes. "The parts alone will be pricey."

"Good things we have college fund we can dig into," I said smiling.

"Charlie will love that," Jake commented.

"Charlie won't know," Bella replied.

He looked surprised by what Bella said, but I'm not. It was the plan that we formed in the truck while driving over here to not tell Dad about what we were doing except the fact that we told him that the motorcycles were for Jake. Nothing else.

"Wow. Lying to Dad. Blowing through college money. Repairing dangerous machines - that I'm guessing you'll want to ride?" Jake asked staring at Bella.

"I really get it if you think this is stupid and reckless," Bella replied. "But me and Sephy want to try it out. Right Sephy?"

They both looked at me and I gave them a half-smile before nodding. "Yep. Just following my older twin's sister footsteps into Crazyville."

All three of us laughed before Jake started pulling off the first motorcycle.

"Woah, you should be careful, their quite heavy..." Bella started saying but stopped when she saw how strong Jake was. "Are you on something?"

"Bella!" I exclaimed. Shocked by what my sister just asked.

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders before looking back at Jake who was pulling the second one off her truck. "There you go."

I picked up the other truck from the ground and walked with it towards Jake's garage. "So, Jake, how you've been?"

"Alright I guess," he answered. "What about you? How you feeling after the tournament and winning?"

"To be honest, I still can't believe it that we won," I replied truly. " I actually thought that the cheerleaders from Texas would win, but I thought wrong."

Jake laughed as we entered his garage. "Maybe because you forgot about what they didn't have."

"And what is that?"

"Your talent," he answered as he looked deep into my eyes. Completely forgetting that my sister was there with us. "So, shall we get started?"


For the next couple of days, me, Bella, and Jake have been working on the motorcycles. Then one suddenly, Jake's friends came to visit. We - me and Jake - were currently putting a couple of pieces together when his friends came in.

"You, Jake, you in there?" I heard a male voice ask.

Bella, out of nowhere, quickly sat up and pulled a tarp over the bikes. What the hell?

"It's cool, it's just my boys," Jake said reassuringly towards Bella.

Just after that happened, Quil Ateara and Embry Call come in. Quil was short, stocky, and feisty, with short hair. Whereas Embry was tall, thin, and laid back with chin-length hair. Both had black hair, tan skin like Jake's, and probably were about 16 or 17.

"Hey Jake - " Embry started saying but stopped when he saw me and Bella. "Hi Sephy."

"Hi," I replied with a smile on my face and a slight blush forming on my cheeks. "Um, Quil, Embry, this is my sister, Bella. Bella, meet Embry and Quil."

Bella smiled awkwardly before looking anywhere but the boys.

"So, the bike building story is true," Quil said surprised as he looked at the half hidden bikes and me and Bella.

"Taught him everything he knows," Bella commented making me scoff.

"What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" Quil asked, making me widen my eyes and Bella looking shocked at his question. When did this happen?

I looked at Jake and saw that he looked like he was ready to kill Quil with his bare hands.

"Oh, we're just friends," Bella answered.

Both me and Embry chuckled at what Bella said. It was obvious that she and Jake were getting close. But it was also obvious that there would be no me and Jake.

"Ooh. Burn," Embry commented.

Jake scrambled from his seat and rubbed his hands on his hands. "I said she's a girl and a friend."

"Embry, you remember him making that distinction. " Quil asked, looking at Embry with a grin on his face, whilst Embry was looking at Jake also with a grin on his face.


I looked from Jake to Quil and Embry with a raised eyebrow. "So, which one is it finally?"

"Why do you want to know, Sephy?" Bella asked me in a warning tone.

I glared at her as I answered. "Well 1) you're single, 2) you could be Jake's girlfriend in secret, and it was just revealed, and 3) we're joking. You need to learn about sarcasm little one."

All three boys started laughing as I finished speaking.

"Wow Sephy, you're vicious," Quil commented as he high fived me.

I saw Jake and Bella glare at me but all I did was smile at them which made both of them roll their eyes at me.

"So, I guess you guys have girlfriends," Bella said, 'rescuing' Jake from his friends comments, making him laugh loudly.

"Right," Jake said while laughing. "Quil took his cousin to prom."

I looked over at Quil and I could tell that he was about to start a fight with Jake, so I moved out of the way and went to stand next to Embry.

"Yeah, that's still a riot," Quil said 'angrily'. "You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny."

Out of nowhere, Quil ran at Jacob, but he dodged him quickly. They started to playfully fight each other while Bella made a bet with Embry.

"I got five bucks on Quil," Embry said amused as all three of us - me, Embry, and Bella, watched Jake and Quil wrestle each other.

"You're on," Bella replied.

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