Chapter 3

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It was the day after mine and Bella's birthday and things went instantly back to normal. I did what I do every morning but left earlier because me and the girls established that it would be better if all the cheerleaders would also practise before school would start. So here I am. One hour before school would start, walking into the building, heading straight for the changing rooms, changing, and going straight into the gym hall for practise.

As I entered, I saw that I was the last one to get to school, so I quickly sent an apologetic smile towards Jenny before stretching my legs and arms.

"Alright everyone, let's get down to business and start coming up with killer routines for the tournament," Jenny said as she walked in-front of us since she is the head cheerleader. "Even though the routines that we do are brilliant, we are going to make ones that are even better. So, are you ready?!"

"Yes!" All of us replied loudly before starting to come up with what we could do in our routines. It was about 5 minutes before school would start and we only came up with moves that would be included in every routine that we would do, and so far, we had high v's, low v's, touchdown's, punches, t's, cartwheels, jumps, high kicks, and splits.

It was now officially eight in the morning and school was beginning to start so all of us rushed into the changing room to shower and change into new clothes, do our hairs and make-up before going to homeroom for 10 minutes and then starting lessons.

It was basically another typical day at school, but during lunchtime I noticed that the Cullen's weren't at their table like they usually were, which made both me and Bella surprised. I always thought that something weird was going on with them because 1) their eyes keep changing colour, 2) they are never here when it's sunny, and 3) they act really weird towards normal things such as blood, the La Push beach, Jacob, and other things.

But it stopped being surprising when I found out from one of the girls in the cheerleading squad that Dr. Cullen and his family have left town because he got a better job somewhere else. I wonder how Bella will react to the news because ever since she came back yesterday from her party, she has kept to herself and ignored my question about what happened to her arm, and why did she look so hurt.

"Elena, you coming or not?" Jessica asked, snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, just give me a second," I replied as I took my bag and followed Jessica to our last lesson of the day...Geography. Yay! The worst teacher ever teaching one of my least favourite subjects. Mrs Peterson. The woman literally stinks of cats, urine, and tobacco. And not to mention her personal hygiene and breath really make me want to vomit. Let's just hope it'll go by faster so that I could get to practise quicker.


Finally, everything was done and over with. The lesson did go faster because the old lady wasn't in. Practise was more energetic and intense since we also came up with a routine which took so long to think of because it was literally perfect. And now I was stuck in traffic after leaving school. Great, just bloody great.

When I finally arrived at home it was past seven in the afternoon, but what surprised me the most was that there were lots of police cars parked near our car, but also a lot of police officers and their dogs walking around the whole house, as if they were searching for someone.

"Dad, what going on?" I asked as I got out of my car and headed towards him, Harry Clearwater, Billy, and Jacob.

They all raised their heads when they heard me, and Dad immediately rushed to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh, thank God you're at least here. Where were you for so long?"

"I had cheerleading practise after school," I answered as I pulled away. "There was also traffic, but Dad, what's going on? Why are there so many police officers here? Did something happen?"

He sighed and looked down before replying. "Bella's missing. She came home after school that I know for sure because her truck is here, but she isn't at the house. She doesn't do any sport at school does she?"

I shook my head in reply.

"That's what I thought," Dad muttered before pulling me towards where Harry, Billy and Jacob were standing. "I'm going to try and call the Cullen's again."

"They left town, Charlie," Harry said as he looked over a map. "Hospital said Doc Cullen got a big job somewhere else."

I hugged Dad trying to reassure him that Bella would be found. I just hope that she is okay because I'm not about to lose my only sister.

I looked over Jacob's shoulder and saw Sam Uley carrying an unconscious Bella in his arms. "Bella!"

Everyone looked over to where I was staring before Dad rushed over to Sam, thanking him for finding Bella, taking her into his arms and walking into the house.

As I followed them, I looked over and saw Sam staring at Jacob. I could tell that it was making Jake feel uncomfortable from the stare that he was receiving but I dismissed it quickly, knowing that it isn't any of my business of what is going on between Sam and Jake.

I went inside and immediately went upstairs to help Dad with Bella.

"Dad, do you think she'll be alright?" I asked quietly as I started changing Bella into her pj's while Dad was looking out of her window.

"To be honest, I don't know Sephy," Dad replied as he turned around and helped me tuck Bella into her bed before walking out. "I have no idea what happened between her and the Cullen boy, but whatever happened is going to change her."

"Do you think we should do something?"

"I think it'll be better if we just be there for her, no matter what," Dad replied.

Oh, hell to the no. I am not about to spend every day of every month with a moping Bella over a guy that she loved. When I was in her position, she wasn't there for me, so why the heck should I be there for her?

"But Dad I have cheerleading after school," I argued.

He sighed heavily like I was the one creating more trouble. "Ok fine. Anything else?"

Here goes nothing. "Yes. There is a cheerleading tournament that is starting in November and my school is in the tournament."

"Which means...?"

"Which means that I'll not be here from November to December if my group doesn't lose to the opposing team," I explained. "And the final is in New York."

He stared at me with wide eyes and looked at me like I was crazy. I could tell that what I just told him would complicate a lot of things for me, him, and Bella, but I'm not about to quit on one of the things that I love doing.

He sighed heavily and rubbed his face before finally answering. "Okay fine, you can go. But don't think for a second that I'm going to let you go without a can of pepper spray for protection. Got it kiddo?"

I nodded my head in excitement before pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you, Daddy. I promise I won't disappoint you."

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