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Hi guys! I don't know how long it's been since i've written a new chapter for this book.. but here's a new one! Sorry for the long break.

3 months later.
It was a rainy, windy summer night, and all of the teachers were watching a movie in the living room, while also eating popcorn and other snacks. Rain pelted the big window with red curtains draped over it, and the strong wind made the trees dance and sway in the dark, eery night.

As everyone was focused on the movie, they were all suddenly jumpscared.

"AHHHH!" Paige screamed, grabbing onto shrignolds arm.

"Paige, it's just a movie.. it's not real!" He said, laughing, but then patted her back as he felt bad for laughing at her.

A little while after, they were all disturbed by a frantic knock on the front door. Tony stood up, walking to the door. "it's 10:30pm at night, who is at the door??" A few mumbled "I don't know's" were spread throughout the room, and Tony slowly opened the door, as everyone watched from the couch.

Tony's eyes widened as he revealed a very cold, shaken, and paranoid looking yellow guy infront of him.

"Y-y-yellow guy?! What are you doing here???!"

Yellow guy sniffled, looking behind him before he spoke " Something's.. uh.. wrong with him.. and he's trying to kill me.. please let me inside!"

Tony stepped aside and let Yellow guy inside, showing him to the living room.

Steve paused the Tv and turned the lamp on so they could clearly see eachother.

Yellow guy and Tony both sat down on the couch.

"You look cold.. here's a blanket." Tony passed yellow guy a fuzzy grey blanket and he wrapped it around his shoulders, saying a quiet "Thank you".

"Now, what about your dad? Wait, your dad is ... Roy ... right?" Tony asked, causing everyone to raise a eyebrow and question why he brought Roy up.

"Yeah." Many said. "He found me, Red guy and Duck. I.. I don't know how, I really thought we escaped him.. I mean, we moved all the way here in Florida for gosh sake, it's bizarre.. and now he's furious, he literally was trying to kill me!"

"Wait, ROY?! HERE?! " Paige shrieked, causing chaos to set lose.

Collin stood up. "ENOUGH"

Everyone went silent, sitting back down.

Collin continued; "Steve, lock all of the doors, and all of the windows."

"Wait, before you do that, Red guy and duck-" The doorbell rang then suddenly rang, disturbing yellow guy.

"Are coming to stay too- they were a bit behind me when I was running away from Roy" He continued.

Tony got up and opened the door, and greeted Red guy and duck, inviting them inside. Yellow guy smiled, waving at his friends to come join him on the couch, and Tony locked the door again.

"We didn't see Roy behind us when we were running away from him, so hopefully he won't find us here." Red guy said, sighing with relief.

Collin smiled friendly at the 3 boys. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. After all, we have plenty of spare bedrooms. He took a deep breath. "But Roy.. please explain more about what happened"

"He wants revenge, mainly on you guys" Duck said, pointing at all of the teachers, causing a gasp from a couple of the teachers. "He hated how you guys didn't listen to him and his orders, and that Red guy pulled the plug on that horrible cycle we were stuck in because of him.

Red and yellow guy nodded.

Tony thought for a moment. "We need to get rid of Roy for good. Though we need a well thought through plan."

The teachers, and the 3 boys all agreed, sharing there ideas.

Andddd I will be stopping this part here because I currently don't know what else to write, haha, stick around for the next part!! (Whenever that will be)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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