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It was a day of celebration for the Royals graduating from Rashford Academy. A proud Principal Williams stood at the helm of the event, beaming with satisfaction as she presented the prestigious diplomas. Beside her, Mr. Hilbert stood as a silent sentinel, surveying the graduating students with eagle-eyed scrutiny.

Amidst the festive buzz, Azrah and her roommates watched the Royals receive their diplomas. Azrah's stomach churned with a bitter taste, as memories of the relentless bullying assaulted her mind.
As the ceremony neared its end, a growing tension swelled in the air. Scarlett, ever the queen bee, led the Royals in a procession of taunts and whispers, aimed directly at Azrah's table. Nayla clenched her fists in indignation, while Laura whispered words of comfort to the distraught Azrah.

Georgia's eyes narrowed in a fierce glower as she shot back a scathing remark, earning a sharp rebuke from a nearby faculty member. The Royals' laughter echoed through the hall, a mocking reminder of their perceived superiority.

Amidst the eruption of laughter, Azrah's heart sank. She fought back the tears, refusing to let the Royals have the satisfaction. Across the room, Principal Williams looked on, pretending to be oblivious to the bullying, her gaze fixed on the graduating Royals.

As the final diploma was handed out, Scarlett turned to face Azrah, a venomous smirk spreading across her face. Her voice cut through the fading applause like a knife, her words laced with a chilling promise: "You might think this is over, but we're not done with you yet."
Indeed, the faces of the infamous Royals were unmistakable. Janette, Erica, Lydia, and Yasmeen paraded their superiority, each with a malicious grin plastered on their faces. Erica, the leader of the clique, strolled past Azrah, her hip brushing against hers as if by accident.

Lydia, always eager to please, followed suit, a wicked sneer twisting her features.
As the Royals made their way out of the hall, a rush of whispers and gossip trailed in their wake. Azrah's cheeks flushed with humiliation, her eyes avoiding the curious glances of her peers.

Nayla's fiery demeanor refused to be subdued, and she shot daggers with her gaze as the Royals left the hall. Laura's hand found Azrah's, a gentle squeeze of reassurance passed between them.

In that moment, a silent vow was made: The Royals might have won the battle, but the war was far from over.

The graduation ceremony had taken its toll on Azrah and her friends. As they trudged their way back to their dorm, the events of the day swirled in their minds. The graduation hall had become a battleground, with Scarlett's venomous words leaving a bitter aftertaste.

As the girls reached their shared room, they paused, noticing the absence of Scarlett's belongings. Nayla broke the silence, "Where's Scarlett? Did she disappear into thin air or something?"

Laura's voice carried a hint of vindication, "Looks like Principal Williams finally caught on to Scarlett's mischief.
Laura's words ignited a flurry of conversations between the girls.

Georgia let out a huff, rolling her eyes. "About time. I'm so glad that bully got what she deserved."

"Maybe now we'll finally be able to breathe easy," Nayla added.

Azrah's voice was quiet but firm. "I hope so. But just in case, we should still keep our guard up."

A unified sigh of relief filled the room, the tension of the day lifting as the girls settled into their new, Scarlett-free reality.

As the girls began to relax, the conversation turned to their plans for the summer vacation. Each girl had her own ideas for how to spend the break, but one thing was certain-they would enjoy the peace and quiet of a Scarlett-free dorm.

Nayla piped up, a mischievous grin on her face. "Can you imagine Scarlett's face when she realized she was being transferred? She must've been livid."
Georgia laughed at the thought, joining in on the teasing. "I hope she ended up with the worst possible roommates. That'd serve her right!"

As the laughter died down, Laura's voice took on a more serious tone. "On a more serious note, I'm glad we stuck together through all of this. Scarlett may be gone, but there could be others like her. It's important we always have each other's backs."

Azrah's eyes shone with gratitude as she nodded in agreement. "Thank you all. It's been a tough journey, but I feel blessed to have you all as my friends. We're a team."

With those words, the girls hugged, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

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