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The orientation week had left Azrah utterly exhausted. The thought of facing another week ahead weighed heavily on her mind, especially with the constant teasing and name-calling she endured. Nonetheless, she woke up determined to brush off any negativity that came her way.

After her morning routine of bathing and prayer, Azrah carefully selected her outfit for the day. She wore a green skirt paired with a black thumbhole top and covered herself with a green jilbab. As she prepared to leave, Rashel, dressed in a fitted long sleeve gown with a denim jacket, stopped her.

"Hey, Azrah, how have you been? It's been a while since we last talked. I saw you at the theater, but I couldn't get close enough to say hi. Are you really going to wear that after everything that's happened?" Rashel asked.

Azrah responded with frustration and defiance. She refused to change her outfit just to please others' critical eyes. The constant scrutiny of her clothing choices irritated her, making her wonder why people felt entitled to dictate her decisions.

The rest of the day was unpleasant for Azrah, with both students and teachers making derogatory remarks. Despite this, Azrah remained steadfast, choosing to ignore the unwarranted criticism.

After her second class, Azrah headed to the cafeteria, feeling hungry. However, her attempt to join a group of girls was met with hostility.

"Hi, do you mind if I join you guys?" Azrah asked, trying to sit down.

"You asked for permission, and we haven't given it. Are you crazy? Weirdo," one of the girls remarked, eyeing Azrah up and down.

"Please, don't call me names. You could have just politely said no without being disrespectful," Azrah replied, feeling irritated.

"Wow," one of the girls exclaimed, clapping her hands. "The newbie here has some nerve. Imagine the audacity. Do you even know who we are? Let me show you," she poured juice over Azrah's head.

Shocked and bewildered, Azrah stood frozen, struggling to understand the cruelty. As Erica, the instigator, introduced herself as part of "The Royals" and issued a warning, Azrah found herself overwhelmed with emotions and questions.

Unable to contain her distress, Azrah rushed back to her dorm room, tears streaming down her face. In the midst of her turmoil, she found solace in her roommate, Laura, who offered words of comfort and support.

Feeling drained, Azrah couldn't bring herself to attend her evening class. Instead, she sought solace in the company of Nayla and her friends, who not only provided food but also shared insights into "The Royals."

After the incident in the cafeteria, Nayla approached Azrah with some information about the group responsible for the humiliation – "The Royals." She explained that they were known as such because they were born into affluent families, with their father being a significant contributor to the school. Nayla emphasized that even predecessors of "The Royals" were cautious about getting on their bad side, highlighting their elevated status within the school community.

As the night wore on, Azrah found herself engulfed in a storm of thoughts and emotions. Despite her desire to confide in her mother, she realized that burdening her with such troubles would only cause unnecessary worry. With a heavy heart, Azrah resolved to face the challenges ahead on her own, determined to navigate through the trials and tribulations of Rashford Academy with resilience and perseverance.

BELIEF!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें