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The piercing ring of the bell echoed through the hallways, signaling the end of another day of classes. Azrah, her shoulders slumped in resignation, began the weary trek back to her dorm. The tumultuous events of the past few weeks had taken their toll on her, the whispers and accusations a heavy burden to carry.

But in the school hallways, a different kind of buzz was building, a hum of excitement and anticipation. The news of the royals' graduation bash had spread like wildfire, and the school was in the thrall of party fever.

Azrah knew the scholarship students were expected to attend any school activity, but the Bash Party organized by the Royals was the last thing she wanted to attend.

"Azrah!" Georgia called out from across the hallway with Nayla and Laura. "You’re coming to the Bash tonight, right? I heard any activities been carried out in the school must be attended by the scholarship student"

Azrah shrugged. "Yeah, and I've really pleaded with the principal to make an exemption but all to no avail saying her hands are tied." "That's really bad, what are you going to do now" Laura inquired.

Azrah shook her head. "I don't really know yet," she replied. "The Royals will be there, and I really don't want their trouble ."

Georgia frowned, her face creased with concern. "I know, but it’s just one party."And besides, you’ll be with us. We won’t let anyone hurt you." Laura squeezed Azrah’s arm reassuringly, but Azrah wasn’t convinced.

"That’s not the point. It’s against my religion." She bit her lip, knowing that  Laura didn’t fully grasp the gravity of her beliefs.

"You’re too serious sometimes, Azrah. Live a little! Besides Nayla is a Muslim too but she's coming with us " Georgia said, frustration creeping into her voice."I know, everyone has their own choices" Azrah said quietly. "My faith is the most important thing to me. I won’t compromise it.”

Georgia sighed. "Fine. But you’re going to miss out on so much fun. And…" she lowered her voice, "the Royals have been planning something big for the party."

Azrah’s heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?""I’m not sure," Georgia admitted. "But they’ve been whispering to each other in corners, and Scarlett has been watching you like a hawk. It’s like they’re planning some sort of prank or something.”

Azrah felt a cold knot form in her stomach. She knew she couldn’t skip the party if the school insisted, but the thought of what the Royals might have planned made her want to curl up in a ball and hide.

"I’m scared, Nayla,' she confessed."I know, I know," Nayla replied, sympathetic
"Can't the principal really do something about this?!" Laura asked

Azrah shook her head. "I tried talking to her.she said it’s part of the scholarship contract. If I don’t go, I’ll lose my scholarship."

Georgia looked shocked. "She wouldn’t do that, would she? That’s not fair!
'I know," Azrah said, her voice heavy with defeat. "But what can I do? If I don’t go, I lose my scholarship. And if I do go, who knows what the Royals have planned? It’s a no-win situation."

Nayla put her arm around Azrah’s shoulders. "Hey, we’ll figure this out. You’re not alone, okay? I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Despite her friend’s reassurances, Azrah couldn’t…Azrah couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had taken hold of her. She knew that the party was only a few hours away, and there was no escaping it. As the clock ticked down to the Bash, Azrah felt like she was walking to her doom.

Finally, the time came. Laura and the other students in the dorm were dressed to the nines, excited for the night ahead. Azrah, on the other hand, had only managed to put on the simplest of outfits, not wanting to draw attention to herself.
Azrah’s khimar was a simple, yet elegant black v-shaped Khimar that covered her hair and fell gracefully around her shoulders. Underneath, she wore a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that fell to her ankles, she put on her black sneakers that matches with her dressing, adhering to the modesty her faith required. Despite the simplicity of her attire, she felt exposed, as though everyone would be able to see the fear and vulnerability etched on her face.

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