Chapter 2 - The Eclipse of Rebirth

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Past of Sid still shrouded with mystery, his life unfolds. His next day began with thousands of questions as to what would have happened to his parents really, suddenly a sharp sound begins in background "Beep..... Beep.... Beep...". It was time for Sid to wake up and leave all these questions behind.

Soon he leaves bed and prepares for the second day of college when he sees a bright yellow spot on his forearm. After spending much time trying to remove it thinking about it being some color or something he decides to clean it later. A small breakfast and a short tour later he reached college.

In the classroom when the lecture was about to start the blonde short haired girl enters. To their surprise she was none other than their first lecturer. Quite fresh in education field, young, passionate and moody, Viola was bunch of excitement and knowledge. On the day of convocation it was her first day as lecturer in the prestigious institute Cognizant Advanced Institute for Research and Opportunities (CAIRO) to which she was already late.As the class begins to settle down Viola looks over towards Sid confirming her recognizing Sid from the hallway yesterday. "With advanced computer research in its peak the massively sized super computers are now handheld devices" said Viola and began her lecture. "Earlier students were taught to code and program the computers you use but with their efforts and achievements our technologies have developed so far as to we do not need any such knowledge anymore" Viola exclaimed continuing 'What we do with computers now is send them to outer space and make contact with Non-Terrestrial life forms".

At the moment you hear a low pitched whistle behind your back calling for you was none other than Taht Vernietiger Sid's online Dutch friend, that lush green haired boy from convocation.

Taht with a visor ring in his hand asked Sid "I have restored some of 20's games let's try them", Sid completely bored out decides to give it a go. The games had low graphic qualities unlike the current time in which you can touch and feel the characters, but the stories of games such as Assasin's Creed and GTA V were the best.

Taht and Sid completely last in their own world made by their visors were laughing and jumping out of excitement. Viola soon notices it and after gives them a mouthful, to which both Taht and Sid apologizes, but for some unknown reason Viola still punishes Taht with extra Assignments and early submissions but lets Sid slide, Viola can be noticed somewhat lenient towards Sid.Who was Viola? Why was she lenient towards Sid? Was it another ghost from the past of Sid? OR Is he just overthinking this?

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