Chapter 1 - Shadows of Deception

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Siddharth Shukla, a 19-year-old computer enthusiast, is currently residing in Taiwan and pursuing his studies at college. With a passion for all things tech-related, Sid is known among his friends for his knowledge and expertise in tech stuff. He enjoys himself in the world of computer science, exploring programming languages, networking, and emerging technologies. Siddharth's multicultural background helps him collaborate effectively in diverse teams on various projects. His ambition is to make a significant contribution to the field of technology and create innovative solutions that positively impact society.

Sid's life is going well even after his parents' disappearance 14 years ago, but fate had some different plans for his life, his life begin to change when he received a message on his 19th Birthday, something that would keep him awake at night and brainstorm throughout the days. It was a simple message "Truth is often what you cannot see, the tragedy 14 years ago was it really an accident?".

Sid being a computer enthusiast tried to gain more information by messaging back but the reply won't reach the receiver, with various tools at his disposal he tried finding the contact's owner but was unable to do so. Soon after the message had vanished from his device before he could show it to anyone at all. After much thinking, he visited his grandfather's room. Sid said "Dadaji, I was curious.", to which Rajiv, Siddharth's grandfather replies "About what beta?". The room filled with cold gushes of wind Sid was confused and furious at his grandparents as though if the accident really didn't happen and all these years his grandparents were hiding the truth, just thinking about it made Sid furious, Sid on a slightly higher tone asks " Did my parents really die in an accident?", Rajiv in his hushed frail voice replies "One can't be certain as to what happened to them, but as I did not witness the accident it is rather hard for me to believe that my son would die in an accident", Sid satisfied with the answer asks " What do you think had happened to mother and father?", to which Rajiv instantly replies " That would be something you should find yourself, someone as old as me was unable to find as to what were possible reasons."Sid still confused with the answers decides to leave his grandfather alone for the time being, Sid now totally confused as to what had occurred that night decides to find the truth. But soon after no updates from the mysterious person who had sent the message and no significant information from grandparents his progress slows down and he finally reaches the first day of his college life which he had so long dreamt about.

At the morning of first day of his college, where he would eventually meet Srishti, an National Level Athlete, where Sid bumps into her in a corridor after which Sid manages to fall on the ground, Somewhat angry and somewhat sad Srishti began to help him getup while saying "Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't notice you coming this way", to which Sid shy and hesitantly replies " It's Ok, I actually don't mind" and began to awkwardly introducing himself while still being held in Srishti's strong arms " Hi, Sid here", to which Srishti replies "uhm, can you stand now?, you are still leaning on my arm.", Now Sid fully ashamed of himself finding a drop of water to drown in says " Oh sorry, felt too comfortable, haha", just as these words pop out of mouth he fully understands what he had said, guilt slowly reaching his face when Srishti calmly replies " haha, that's good to hear for the change, I always had problems with my muscles, even simple pats would hurt my friends", Laughing slowly Srishti asks "So are you in here for standup show or what?", Nervous Sid replies "Haha too funny, but as an elite student of my past school, I hold a scholarship for studying here in Department of Computer Science", Soon horror of studies began to spread over Srishti's face as she asked "So, we are in same  department then!" , With an evil grin on her face she again tries to say something interrupted by a blonde short haired girl running violently towards them who surprisingly passes by everyone in the busy corridor, Now Srishti again asks calmly " So can we exchange our contacts since we are gonna study the same thing and all" to which Sid calmly agrees and they exchange their contact.

Sid now sitting in a hall filled with students, of which only three faces were recognizable, Srishti the tall and confident black-haired girl, who also happened to have parents from India, the blonde girl violently running in the corridor in the morning, and another guy who had weirdly colored lush green hair, still thinking about the why the heck was the blonde running in the first place, whole hall settles down and the convocation for the new students begins.

An old man with silver hair was introduced as vice-chancellor of the university, Wei Cheng-Hao a successful entrepreneur who also funds the university, After hearing the boring rambling for about an hour your phone suddenly chimes you see message from your new friend Srishti also in a similar position of boredom, after planning some evil schemes Sid and Srishti manages to slip past the hall, both of them now chuckling silently, they slowly began moving towards the Cafeteria, Sid orders himself an Cold-Coco, while Srishti still gawking at the price list, Understanding it Sid quickly asks "Come on, order what you want, It's my treat!", Srishti dancing from inside tries to hide her joy and orders an coffee. While sitting and chatting you get to know that she was selected in this college due to sports quota as she was an National Athlete, at which Sid exclaims "What? You mean you are THE SRISHTI who appears frequently on TV!", nervously she replies " I did appear on TV few times, but I am not that frequent." even though not completely believing her Sid checks for her name on Woogle and yes it was the same person.Srishti further exclaims " I may be good at sports, but I don't think studies are my strong suite", to which Sid gleefully replies "Leave all your study related problems to me", both finding something they lacked in each other they bonded rapidly.

But still the question remains, How much did Rajiv (Sid's Grandfather) knew, and who was that mysterious girl with blonde hair who came running at them in the corridor in the morning and who was that boy with green hair?

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