PROLOGUE - Shadows of Destiny

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In the bustling streets of Taipei City, where the aromas of sizzling street food mix with the sounds of hurried footsteps, a young boy named Siddharth Shukla found himself caught between worlds. With his jet-black hair and captivating almond-shaped eyes, he was a fusion of his Indian and Japanese heritage. At the age of nineteen, he lived with his loving grandparents, who had become his guiding stars in this vast city of possibilities.

Siddharth's life had been shrouded in mystery since that fateful day twelve years ago when tragedy struck his family. It was a quiet evening, just like any other, when the news of his parents' disappearance reached him. The authorities claimed it was a mere road accident, but the weight of uncertainty hung heavily in the air. Siddharth of a mere age of 7 years couldn't understand what had happened since the authorities claim made it sound true.

As the years passed, Siddharth delved into his studies, seeking solace in books and knowledge. He yearned to uncover the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface. At his 19th Birthday when he received a message "Truth is often what you cannot see." his insatiable curiosity became his guiding light, propelling him forward on a quest for answers.

Living in the bustling metropolis of Taipei, Siddharth found himself surrounded by a tapestry of cultures and whispered legends. It was a city where ancient traditions coexisted with modern marvels, a melting pot of history and innovation. Yet, amidst the vibrant chaos, he couldn't escape the feeling that his destiny was intertwined with something far greater than himself. His grandparents, too, carried their own secrets. Their aged eyes held stories of their own, ones they shared only in hushed conversations by candlelight. Siddharth sensed that they were protectors of knowledge, guardians of a legacy that he had yet to fully grasp.

With each passing day, the puzzle pieces of Siddharth's identity started to reveal themselves, etching fragments of his heritage into his very being. His dreams were filled with fleeting glimpses of a world he had yet to explore, a realm where ancient traditions and mysterious forces converged.

The time had come for Siddharth to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to unravel the enigma of his parents' disappearance and uncover the truths that lay hidden within his own lineage. Armed with determination, courage, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, he would dive headfirst into the shadows of destiny, driven by an unyielding desire to find his place in this intricate tapestry of life.

Little did he know that the path he was about to tread would be fraught with peril, leading him to encounters with clandestine organizations, unearthing forgotten prophecies, and facing adversaries far more formidable than he could ever have imagined. As the boundaries of his known world expanded, Siddharth would discover that his true journey was not merely one of self-discovery but a battle between light and darkness, where the fate of not only his own life but the very fabric of the world hung in the balance. And so, the tale of Siddharth Shukla, the Indian-Japanese origin boy living in Taiwan, began—a tale that would unravel the secrets of his past, ignite his dormant powers, and thrust him into a world where his every step would be guided by a singular purpose: to find the truth and forge his own destiny.

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