Chapter 9

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Zack had reached the main performing arts building. The doors were guarded, troubling Zack. “What’s in there?” He thought to himself. Zack scoped the area around him to attempt to find a way around, but saw nothing. There was just a gigantic wall of windows for the band room. Zack thought for a few moments, “If only there was…” He continued thinking. “Lightning!” Zack charged electricity on his arms, and sent a small bolt at a rock on the road, flinging it into the side of one of the robots. As the robots were distracted, Zack ran and softly cut open a hole in the glass with a small pointed rock.
Zack entered the band practice room. The walls were full of small lockers and cubbies full of instruments. Tubas, contras, trumpets, clarinets, bass clarinets, flutes, piccolos, alto saxophones, tenor saxophones, trombones, and several other winds. The back was full of percussion instruments. Vibraphones, chimes, bells, marimbas, snare drums, bass drums, and even a triangle.
Zack went up to the directors podium. There were three different charts on the podium: Void’s Journey and two other charts that were burned from the invasion. Zack starred at the charts on the podium, recognising Void’s Journey.
“The song with no composer,” Zack thought to himself. Zack read through the front cover of the chart. The cover had a black hole on the front, covered in the residue of dense clouds which spanned hundreds of lightyears wide. Zack flipped through the chart. There was only the piano part, in terrible condition no less.
“It couldn’t hurt to play a little,” Zack thought. He grabbed the chart and sat down behind the piano tucked away in the corner. The piano was electric, so Zack powered it with himself. He placed his right leg on the battery that was beside the pedals, turning the piano on for the first time in days, making sure to turn the volume up only enough for only him to be able to hear it. Zack opened the piano part to Void’s Journey and began to play. The music was a little faded, but Zack had played this song hundreds of thousands of times before. He had every single note, chord, and key change memorized. Zack played the entire piece, which lasted only six minutes. Zack gently lifted his foot off the battery, causing the piano to lose power.
“Alright, enough playing,” Zack thought to himself. “I have a job to do.” Zack walked over to the band room doors, looking through the glass to check if he was in the clear. Two robots were patrolling the hallway, walking to the band doors.
“SHIIIIIII!” Zack locked the band doors and sprinted behind the timpanis, barricading himself around them all. The robots soon broke down the doors. The doors flew into the glass wall across.
“Did you hear music?” one said.
“I thought I did,” the other said. They both began searching the room, looking into any locker, cubby, nook and cranny that they saw. One peered into the timpani, looking closely. Zack looked from above, on the ceiling. The robots, empty handed, left the room, with Zack holding on just barely to the ceiling. Right before the robots left the room, Zack descended slowly, landing quietly on the ground. He then slammed the two robot heads together. Zack took both blasters and walked towards the doors. The coast was clear, so away he went.
Zack walked slowly through the performing arts center, reaching the choir room. The choir room had a gigantic mirror with two big curtains on either side. There were risers and chairs in the back. There was yet another window behind them, which had been almost completely shattered into shards of glass. Zack holsted his new blasters to his waist, examining the room. There was nothing much of interest except for one small speaker and a small phone from the 2010’s.
“Damn this is OLD!” Zack said aloud to himself. He held it in his hand. The device was small like the phones of their current generation, but it had external buttons as well as several different ports. One was a gigantic rectangle on the side. Another port laid on the top right side of the phone. Zack began to charge the phone on his own, using the electricity in his body to move energy into the phone, slowly. The phone was charged in a matter of seconds due to the small battery size. The speaker on the other hand was already fitted with a new battery. Zack turned on the phone and began to listen to what it was saying.

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