Chapter 6

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The clouds in the sky began to form again. The lightning grew more and more, but oddly enough there was no rain. Rainless lightning became increasingly more common. It was a result of large electrical discharges from the ground into the sky.

"Hey Zack," Ruby started. "Nice job with the lightning. You just created a storm outside."

"Just let me sleep!" Zack yelled from the back. "You try creating an entire frenzy of lightning!" Zack then lifted his blanket up higher and turned the other way, attempting to get some more sleep. His eyes were weak from exhaustion, unable to be opened with even hundreds of newtons of force. Zack's legs begin to twitch. The nerves begin to act erratically, shaking around as if a fish seeking water.

"What's going on?" Asher asked. "Are you that drained?"

"His legs are going to discharge!" Ruby exclaimed, horrified. "Quick! Put his feet out the window!" Ruby begins rolling the back windows down, allowing Asher to reach from the bed of the trunk and lift Zack's legs out of the window.


Seconds later, a bolt of lightning shoots into the sky, causing several lightning strikes to launch from the area the bolt hit the sky.

"What the heck!" Asher squeaks. "Is that the electrical discharge from lightning people I've heard of so much?"

"Yes," Ruby began. "It's caused by the buildup of electrons in his legs attempting to leave and as such, irritates his nerves in his legs as they seek a material that nullifies the electricity. The bolt was a result of the body being unable to find a material that could... WHY AM I EXPLAINING THIS TO YOU?"

"Because you're a nice person?" Asher asked sheepishly and sarcastically.

"How you got a better grade than me in social science is beyond me!" Ruby exclaimed. "My god!"

"This is why you don't miss movie night with Mr. Spence," Asher retorted. "Imagine going to a-"

"OKAY!" Ruby yelled. "I get it! Would you PLEASE shut up?"

"Hey," Asher said coolly. "Relax. Road rage is no joke!"

"Hey guys!" Zack barked. "Trying to sleep here!"

"Well, it's your lucky day doggy!" Ruby retorted. "We're about to reach Urbana! You can sleep AFTER we get what I came for."

"Which is?" Asher began. "You still haven't told us what you wanted. Are you trying to get your brother back?"

"Why would I care about that idiot?" Ruby asked angrily. "He's even dumber than you!"

"But he's your brother!" Asher answered boldly. "He never seemed to be a bad brother! Br-"

"Don't you DARE say his name!" Ruby yelled.

"Brother?" Zack said with confusion.

"Yeah," Asher confirmed. "He and I were friends in high school and later college. He's a year older than me, but we're still closer than anyone else at the school!"

"Seems to be a cool guy!" Zack said aloud.

"Yeah!" Asher shared. "He's like the brother I never had-"

' "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Ruby yelled again, momentarily losing control of the wheel. "I do not give a single flying crap about that moron!"

"Hey Ruby," Asher began.

"WHAT?" Ruby asked violently

"You missed the exit..." Asher answered

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