Chapter 4

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"Hey, how far are we from Kankakee?" Asher asked.

"We're thirty kilometers from the town," Zack replied.

"So what are we going to do once we get there?" Asher asked. "I mean, what would we gain? It's just a checkpoint. We don't NEED to destroy it and it can be rebuilt quite easily.

"I was hoping some of your dad's military tactics would have rubbed off on you," Zack said disappointedly.

"Hey I was going to enlist in the moon base's creation of its military," Asher started. "But my dad was afraid I would die in space. So I decided to become an engineer, which was super boring!"

"An engineer? Seriously?" Zack asked sarcastically. "Of all the things you could have done, you decided to sit in a room and build with metal?"

"My counselor in high school recommended I do engineering," Asher answered. "I was good at math and physics, and alright in chemistry. It was either engineering or astrophysics."

"Nerd," Zack taunted. Asher looked behind and gave Zack a look of annoyance. He then turns back to face the road.

"Hey, I think I see something on the interstate!" Asher pointed out. The object got closer and closer until it was only a few meters away. The object had four wheels on each side and a payload on its back. The object had two small hovering vehicles in front and behind.

"Should we check it out?" Asher asked. "It could have some useful tools."

"No," Zack said. "Let's stay on track and get to that checkpoint. This truck thing probably passed through it, meaning there could be others."

"Alright, let's keep on going!" Asher enthusiastically said. "Let's go faster!" Asher then sped through the forest and eventually got to the checkpoint with ease.

"Okay, so I have a plan now," Asher started. "The checkpoint is on the interstate between the two exit ramps. The main booth for the checkpoint is on the west side of the interstate, where the town is. My guess is they are using the town to move supplies from small bases throughout the Midwest to Chicago."

"So what do we do?" Zack asked.

"We don't do anything," Asher said. Asher then passed Zack a sheet of paper with detailed plans. "Let's get out of here," Asher said with a hint of sarcasm. Asher then took the device given by the zevers and went to the downtown of Kankakee.

"Alright," Zack said to himself. "Let's go!"

Zack made his way into a nearby cemetery, where he hid behind a few gravestones.

"So there's a grocery store a little more northwest," Zack said to himself. "I'm willing to bet the zevers are using that to load and unload supplies." He looks forward and sees the Zevers using a pulley system to move materials onto trucks that are on the interstate.

"Damn, these zevers most likely have control over all the major highways and interstates," Zack said. He kept looking around, eventually finding an old gas station that never got demolished.

"That'll do!" He assured himself. Zack ran to the gas station, avoiding the zever patrols along the way. He eventually makes it to the gas station, where he sees several zever robots stationed.

"What are they doing?" Zack asked himself. "What is the point in taking an old gas station?" Zack sneaks into the gas station, looking for what the zevers are attracted to. He hops a fence and scurries into the gas station, where he sees old long expired snacks. He looks at an old slurry machine, now a pile of junk. Zack sees some old brands of food that went bankrupt since people became self-sufficient. He sees old packets of creamy biscuits, cheddar popcorn, spicy potato chips, and even some beer.

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