Chapter 5

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Asher, Zack, and the zever were sitting at a nearby camping ground. Asher's face is that of a cold gaze. Zack sits nearby with a look of confusion.

"AAAAAAH!" Asher yells out. "I can't do it! It's too funny!" He begins laughing uncontrollably.

"Why are you just staring at the guy!?" Zack asked loudly. "Do you even KNOW HOW TO INTERROGATE SOMEONE!"

Asher was still laughing but had begun to calm down, although very slowly. He then falls, looking up at the starry night sky. His eyes were sparkling with joy. His smile grew wider, going from ear to ear. He then jumps up onto his feet.

"WE JUST TOOK DOWN A ZEVER FACILITY!" Asher yells at the top of his lungs. "TAKE THAT ZEVERS!"

"Dude!" Zack sternly whispers. "We don't know where the zevers could be. Let's stay low and quiet." Zack then turned to the zever they had captured and sat at the bench. "Ok, so what was the purpose of the town?" Zack asked the zever.

"L-like I'll ever t-tell y-y-you!" the zever fearfully responds. He begins to stare at Zack, attempting to look menacing. Zack sighs and reaches for his pocket, grabbing a knife and holding it to the zever's throat.

"Tell us," Zack said coldly. He stared daggers into the zevers soul.

"F-fine!" the zever exclaimed loudly. "B-but you h-h-have to le-let me go! Please!"

"Good," Zack said with a chilling voice. "So now do you have an answer for me?"

"Y-yeah," the zever said. "The town was being used as a checkpoint for deliveries to and from the base in the city you once called Chicago. The downtown area was used for storage. It was some sort of crop. It was yellow and had little seed-like things. I-I forgot what it was called though."

"Corn?" Asher asked.

"YEAH!" the zever replies. "That was it!" He then reaches behind and takes out a piece of corn. "This right?"

"OOOOOOO!" Asher yelps. "Food!" He then grabs it hastily and scarfs it down. In a matter of no time, the entire thing is gone, including the center part no one eats.

"WHY DID YOU EAT THE CENTER?" Zack questioned, with a loud voice. "WHY WOULD YOU POISON YOURSELF?"

"Wha-WHAT?" Asher yells out. "POISON?"

"Yeah POISON!" Zack reiterates. "Aren't the centers of the corn poisonous?"

"N-no?" Asher responds, "I used to use it for cornstarch when I needed ingredients for lunch or dinner. If they were poisonous, I would be long gone by now."

"Oh," Zack learns. "I always thought they were filled with cyanide or something."

"That's bamboo!" Asher exclaimed.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Zack realizes.

"And you called me stupid!" Asher continues. "At least I know the difference between bamboo and corn!"

"Yeah and you thought it was a good idea to kidnap a zever and bring it here!" Zack retorted. "Why would you even try to reason with the enemy?"

"Well I thought he would give us some useful information!" Asher exclaimed in frustration. "I didn't know he was a security officer or whatever!"

"C-can I go now?" the zever asked.

"SHUT UP!" Asher and Zack yelled to the zever.

"I do have one more piece of information for you!" the zever desperately said to them. "If I tell you, then you have to let me go!" Asher and Zack looked at each other and nodded.

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