Chapter 21: Drums in the Deep

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January 15th TA 3019

"Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf scolded, forcefully grabbing his pointed hat and staff away from the Hobbit. Pippin looked down guiltily as Gandalf turned away, standing right where he was sheepishly and fiddling with the hilt of his shortsword.

There was a muffled thud. The Fellowship stilled as Gandalf slowly turned to Pippin in dread. The Hobbit, in turn, spun towards the well as another beat reverberated through the dark.

The Elves' ears twitched as they heard the echo of a screech. More drums began to boom around the mines. The shrieks multiplied as the Fellowship began to look around, knots forming in their stomachs. As more unrhythmic drums and screams filled the air, the words Gandalf read from the Book of Records echoed in their minds. Drums... drums... in the deep. They are coming...

The Men and Hobbits began to breathe heavily as their eyes frantically darted around. Eluin and Legolas turned towards the entrance, their sensitive ears picking up many footsteps approaching closer and faster. Aragorn faced the doors as well, hearing a loud screech.

"Frodo!" Sam fixed his gaze upon the sheath of Frodo's sword. Startled, the Hobbit looked down, pulling the sword out from the leather. Sting, Bilbo's old Elvish blade, was glowing icy blue. A resounding holler echoed as it bounced around the cavern. "Orcs!" Legolas hissed.

Boromir darted towards the battered doors. Eluin, a blue fire now burning in her eyes at the presence of Goblins, ran behind Boromir as the Captain looked out from the doors. Her senses prickled, causing the elleth to reach for the round shield Boromir strapped to his back and pull. Just as she yanked him back, two arrows struck at the doors where Boromir's head had just been.

With his eyes widened, he gave Eluin a grateful nod before they backed into the room and tried to push the doors close. "Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!" Aragorn ordered the Hobbits as he dropped his torch to the floor. Gandalf began to usher the four Halflings behind him as Gimli quickly got up to his feet from kneeling in front of his cousin's tombstone.

Legolas and the Ranger rushed towards the entrance to help Eluin and Boromir shut the battered doors. A loud growl emanated from the dark as they finally got the wooden slabs to close, one that was most definitely not of an Orc. Aragorn and Boromir pushed themselves against the doors. Boromir slumped against it as he spoke sarcastically, "They have a Cave Troll."

Getting straight to work, Legolas and Eluin began tossing weapons scattered on the ground and leaning on the walls to the Men. Aragorn and Boromir slotted them into the handles to blockade the doors. Held together by axes and spears, the doors stayed shut as they started to rattle from being pushed outside. The companions began to step back into the chamber.

As Gandalf threw his hat down and unsheathed his sword Glamdring, the rest of the Fellowship began to draw their weapons. Putting on a brave face, the four Hobbits pulled out their shortswords. Frodo held Sting, the Elvish blade still glowing blue in the presence of Orcs.

The Men unsheathed their longswords, Boromir unstrapping his round shield to hold in his other arm - the shield Eluin had just pulled to save his life. The Elves nocked arrows into their bows as they drew their bowstring back. Their bows creaked as they did so, their hands gripping their familiar weapon. Aiming towards the shaking door, they remain poised in position.

Gimli's voice was gruff as he snarled, getting up on his cousin's tomb. He taunted at the doors, "Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

The Fellowship waited with bated breaths as the doors rattled more violently. Boromir flicked his wrist and spun his sword in anxious anticipation as he held his shield out before him. The four Hobbits quivered, seeing the sharp tips of spears breaking through the wood. The Elves narrowed their eyes, adrenaline rushing through their veins as they waited for an opening. Once a gap became large enough, Legolas let his arrow loose, a shriek escaping as it found its mark. Eluin followed suit, taking a shot at another gap as more weapons broke through the battered wood.

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