Chapter 3: Old Friends & New Bonds

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October 24th TA 3018

Two days had passed since Eluin and her brothers returned to their beloved home, and finally, Frodo had awoken that morning. After the elleth had heard the news that the Hobbit had woken up, she thought she should go and greet him; Eluin had been raised as a good hostess, after all. After finding out Frodo was not in his room, she roamed the House of Elrond in search of him.

"Lady Eluin!" A frail voice called from across the stone courtyard. She turned towards the voice of Bilbo Baggins, who was sitting next to the Hobbit Eluin had been looking for under a white pavilion. The elleth headed over to the two Halflings, the fallen autumn leaves on the cobblestone rustling as the hemline of her dress dragged behind her and gave them a graceful smile.

"Good morning, Bilbo," Eluin greeted her old friend. She had been surprised to see him again after 60 years. Age had caught up to his features, something an Elf like Eluin had not experienced before, even though her age was well over two and a half millennia. "How are you today, my friend?" she furthered inquired. "I'm quite well, my Lady, thank you!" the old Hobbit replied cheerfully with a bright grin on his wrinkled face.

"Have you finished your book, Bilbo?" the maiden asked as she spotted the large red book Frodo had open on his lap. "Not quite. I have a few more pages I wish to touch up," Bilbo answered as his eyes also gazed at the page on which he had drawn the map of the Shire. "Master Baggins," Eluin started, focusing on the younger Hobbit. "Yes, Lady Eluin?"

"I meant your nephew."

Bilbo looked up at the elleth and gave a hearty laugh. "Ah! My bad, my Lady!"

Eluin shook her head with a smile before looking back at Frodo. The young Hobbit had been staring at Eluin in admiration this entire time, his wide eyes filled with awe and enchantment. The Lady of Rivendell was clothed with a white and periwinkle blue dress, weaved of a fine silken material. Her long midnight hair had been swept back into a waterfall plait, which revealed her pointed ears, the rest flowing over her slender shoulders and down her back.

Atop the crown of her head, she adorned a silver braided circlet, and a silver pendant woven around a sapphire hung from a thin chain on her neck; Frodo recognised it as the symbol of the star of Luinil, which he had read about before in one of Bilbo's books back at Bag-End.

Atop the crown of her head, she adorned a silver braided circlet, and a silver pendant woven around a sapphire hung from a thin chain on her neck; Frodo recognised it as the symbol of the star of Luinil, which he had read about before in one of Bi...

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"Fourteen days we had spent looking for you Hobbits, but it seemed my sister had found you first," Eluin stated. "You're Lady Arwen's sister? So you're also Lord Elrond's daughter, a Lady of Rivendell," Frodo observed, which Eluin confirmed with a soft smile.

"Frodo, my lad, remember all the Sindarin I taught you back home? Go on, show the maiden what you've got!" Bilbo nudged his nephew enthusiastically with his cane, whose face reddened in embarrassment before clearing his throat and returning to Eluin.

"Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn. Heniach nin? (A star shines upon the hour of our meeting. Do you understand me?)" the young Hobbit spoke carefully; he had a bit of a stiff accent, which was justified, considering he might have been a bit out of practice.

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