Chapter 17: Murky Ripples

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January 13th TA 3019

By nightfall of the next day, the Fellowship had taken the Elvenway, a path that ran between the ruins of the Elven city of Ost-in-Edhil, once the capital of Eregion, and Khazad-dûm, a realm of the Dwarves. Following the stone path that flowed alongside the river Sirannon, the companions approached the dark cliffs of Silvertine, another peak next to Redhorn of the Misty Mountains.

In the darkness, they faintly made out the outlines of a great, broken aqueduct protruding from the mountain wall. Streams of murky water fell from the jagged edge into a dark and still lake, and as the Fellowship walked up the stone stairs, they noticed hardly a trickle of water flowing down the Stair Falls. The short ledge of what was once a small waterfall beside the steps was barren as someone had dammed the Sirannon there for reasons unknown.

"Frodo! Come and help an old man," Gandalf called the Halfling, beckoning him over. In a hushed voice that even the Elves struggled to discern, the Wizard began to speak to Frodo. Opting to respect their privacy, Eluin turned to Legolas. In the dim lighting, his forest-green eyes darkened like twin emeralds. The elleth recalled their conversation in the portrait room back at Rivendell, a slight smile forming as she recalled his particular fondness for those green gems.

The smile gradually faded as she composed herself. What are you doing, Eluin? This is no time to get attached. A shadowy veil descended over her eyes, concealing her innermost thoughts.

Remember why you're here, Eluin. Don't stray from your purpose. That is not an option.

"Mellon, are you all right?" His silky voice beside her tried to undrape the curtains she had just let loose over her mind, yet she would not yield. "Yes, Legolas," Eluin replied, her response brief. His furrowed brows revealed his concern, not failing to notice her guarded eyes. But before he could inquire any further, Gimli interrupted with a sense of wonder as he pointed.

"The Walls of Moria..." Gimli's voice brought the Fellowship's attention to the rocky cliffs at the base of the Celebdil peak of the Misty Mountains. Unsurprisingly, he was in awe of these walls, for they held the ancient Dwarven realm of Khazad-dûm inside, the city where his cousin Balin and a company of Dwarves had ventured off from Erebor to reclaim it. The companions stood on the banks of the lake as their eyes roamed the great face of the mountain wall. They felt tiny compared to it, the stone reaching up high into the sky as the mist clouded the top of its peaks. They began to walk around the lake as they moved along the cliffside.

"Dwarf Doors are invisible when closed," Gimli mentioned gleefully as he gently knocked the poll of his throwing axe on the wall's stone. "Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them... if their secrets are forgotten," Gandalf reminded as his hands trailed the wall.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas muttered, causing the Dwarf to grumble under his breath. Eluin rolled her eyes, remembering the mutual disdain between the Mirkwood Elves and Erebor Dwarves, a stark contrast to the forgotten camaraderie of the Ñoldor Elves of Eregion and the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm. Despite this, a small part of her found amusement in their antics.

Frodo's foot slipped into the cold water as he trudged along the bank, his eyes wandering over the dark waters with a hint of unease. Soon, Gandalf stopped by the wall between two ancient holly trees as he traced his hand over the cliff face. "Now, let's see... ithildin..." Spidery, silvery lines ran beneath his fingers. "It mirrors only starlight... and moonlight."

Eluin's interest peaked as she heard the word 'ithildin', sapphire eyes sparkling. It was a specially crafted and unique alloy of mithril, only able to be made by the most skilled craftsman of the Ñoldor. Enchanted to only be visible under the light of the moon and stars, Eluin had forgotten she'd be able to see it here. An extremely precious, silvery metal, mithril was mined by the Dwarves of Moria and traded with the Elves of Ost-in-Edhil long ago in the Second Age.

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