Chapter 10

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Author's POV

The sudden pain shooting through his arms jolts Paris awake from his slumber. He pushes himself up with difficulty only to soon realise that he's still in his secret chamber.

A smile plastered on his face when the first thing he saw was Babe's picture. He has fallen asleep while sitting in that room with his head rested on his arms on the wooden table.

After a while, he finally gets to his feet ready to walk out the room but before he could, a particular section of the wall stopped his track. There's a couple pictures of flings Babe previously had, the one he met at the bar and the guy at the racing track.

Paris reaches for the pictures, pulling it off from the wall before letting it falls down to the floor one by one until the picture of the man he just smashed his hand last night kiss the floor indicating his deal is done.

Then there's the only one picture left on the board labelled 'Kill List' in all red letters.

A picture of Way.


He's the only one that has been on that list for the longest and it's only because Paris knew how much Babe adores him, like a friend, although Paris knew that Way has always wanted more with their relationship.

The obvious friendzone wall that Babe put up between them has somehow saved Way from him, at least for now.

After letting out a sigh, he walks out of the room, closing it behind him before walking past the corpse outside indifferently towards the main door. The janitor's closet is located at one of the many outhouses that their mansion had thus it's not connected to the main house.

He made his way to his bedroom, took a shower before checking his phone. No new message and it's only 9am, which means Babe will usually wakes up in an hour.

He reluctantly puts on his university's uniform, deciding to keep his promise of going to class then he makes his way down to the dining hall.

It's not that he hates going to class but honestly he's way too smart for it. It was actually his request to try and live like a normal person by going to university and as one of the way he could get out of the house but it's starting to get boring for him now.

"Morning, baby.", Pa Pete greeted him before coming over to leave a smooch on his cheek. "I've missed you."

"Morning, Pa. Sorry for not coming home for long.", a sweet smile appears on Paris' lips as he pulls his papa into a hug, returning the much smaller papa a kiss on his cheek.

They hug for a while, basking in each other's warmth one that Paris always finds calming probably because omega's nature is to calm their supposed mate before a voice interrupted them. "Hey hey hey! Don't hug too long. I'm getting jealous here."

Ignoring the comment, Paris hugs Pa Pete even closer while leaving butterfly kisses on his head, making the already jealous alpha even more annoyed.

"Too bad... He's mine too.", Paris playfully sticks out his tongue to Vegas which earned a chuckle from Pa Pete at how similar the two of them acts.

"He's mine first.", Vegas tries to pull Pete out of Charlie's grip.

"He made me. I came out of him. Biologically I'm closer to him thus he's mine.", Paris insisted on not letting go of his papa.

"Yeah and how do you think he made you. Without me, there won't be you. So you have to admit that he's mine first."

"Nooo papa is mine."

"Pete is mine, you ungrateful brat."

"Papa is mine!"

"Okay okay guys as much as I'm enjoying this, I have breakfast waiting for me. And as much as I love you guys, I also love my food. So let go both of you!", Pete said amusedly while wiggling out of the both of them before walking towards the dining table that's already spread out with various breakfast food.

Monster Under The Bed (CharlieBabe)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz