Chapter 2

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Author's POV

"What's what a shame, P'Babe?"

The smoke from the cigarette Babe puffed out covered the face of the person who had just spoken to him in a cheerful manners making him squint his eyes to see the owner of the voice.

Once the smoke spreads out, the sweet face he's been thinking about all night is standing right infront of him again. Now no barrier, no other people just the two of them on the side of the dark corner of the club.

"Oh, Charlie...", Babe said as he puts his cigarettes away.

Charlie who's been standing infront of him with his puppy eyes urging Babe to answer his question. He swear he could also see Charlie's wagging his tail too (figuratively speaking).

"Ah nothing.", Babe shakes his head nonchalantly not wanting to answer the boy as to not lose his face.

How could he tell the boy that he's been thinking about him all night and saying it's a shame that he already have a boyfriend because Babe would like to bring him to his bed. Not in Pitbabe's dictionary to lose face, never!

"If you think that not able to bring that alpha back there home is a shame, I think you should not. I heard he have a small wee wee.", Charlie said it so innocently that it almost feels wrong to hear those words come out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I know.", Babe laughed at Charlie's choice of word but he's right about that.

"Oh yeah, you touched his wee wee already.", Charlie said again a little monotonous this time.

"Hmm you saw?", Babe asked.

"I saw everything when it's related to you.", Babe swears for a moment he could hear Charlie's voice deepen before it turned soft again. "I'm your fan after all!", he added excitedly.

"Oh?", Babe raises a questioning brow. "Is that why I've been feeling watched this whole day?"

"Wow! So it's true when they said you have hundred eyes!", the boy beams.


"Well they said Pitbabe have a hundred eyes that's why you're so good at racing. It's your power right?"

"So you are really my fan, huh?", Babe asked intrigued.

"I am! I've been watching your race since last 2 seasons. Your improvement are amazing. No one can beat you and I bet as long as you're racing no one can ever be the King of Hallows."

This boy didn't fail to impress Babe even more. Now he's not only interested because of Charlie's sweet face but he likes the fact that this boy is his fan.

"That's cute. I'd take you home if I could.", Babe stated jokingly with no actual intention to do so because he knew Charlie is taken.

To his surprise, Charlie takes a step closer to him before looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Then take me home, P'Babe."

For a moment Babe wanted to say okay right away as he stares into those beautiful brown orbs but realisation hit him soon after. He didn't take Charlie to be someone who's cunning enough to cheat on his boyfriend. Damn it's true when they said don't trust the innocent face because they're the worst.

"No, thanks. I don't do taken man.", Babe pushes Charlie back slightly before standing straight on his feet, preparing to leave.

Babe turns to walk away but got stopped by a hand holding onto his wrist tightly. A little too tightly might I add, his grip is no joke.

"Who said I'm taken?", Charlie frowns his brows together and his pouty lips adds to it making him look like a sad puppy.

It contradicts with his tight grip on Babe.

"Who said I'm taken, P'Babe?", he said it again now a little whiny.

"No one. I just saw you with that omega and I thought-"

"That omega? The one who sat next to me just now?"


Charlie's grip loosens and his wide cheerful smile plastered back onto his face.

"Ohhhh! That's my bestfriend, Jeff. You don't have to worry about him, he likes P'Alan but you can't tell him naa. Jeff is playing hard to get right now.", he ended with a chuckle.

Babe could feel the heat coming back to his ear but now not out of jealousy but embarrassment that he, a 32 years old man would assumed things and got jealous for no reason like a teenager.

"I thought P'Alan would told you about Jeff since you're the closest to him.", Charlie added, his action of gently caressing Babe's hand with his thumb only adds more fuel to Babe's heating ear.

"H-he did told me about Jeff but I didn't know how he looks like. He never showed me a picture before.", Babe wanted to slap himself to the Mars and back with how he stuttered his first word because he felt flustered by Charlie's action.

"I see. That's settled then. Since I'm not taken, can you take me home, P'Babe?", Charlie leans in with his cute tempting smile.

"Your brother can't send you home?", Babe takes a breather to collect back his cool composure.

"Not my home P' but your home. Take me back to your home, pleaseeee."

"Why would I do that? Are you trying to run away from home?"

"P'Babe. Are you seriously going to be like this?"

"Like what?", Babe feign ignorance.

"Am I not handsome enough?", Charlie said in a sad tone.

"What are you saying?"

The not so little boy walks closer to Babe until his back hit the wall. Cornering Babe with his arms on the wall with Babe sandwiched in between.

Only in this close proximity Babe notice that the boy is slightly taller than him and his hands that are now placed on Charlie's chest in attempt to push him away, could feel the muscles underneath the thick ugly baby blue sweater which makes him want to take the sweater off so badly.

Babe's last conscience pushes through as he remembers the words from his close friend, Pai who happens to be this boy's cousin to not mess with Charlie.

"No your cousin will kill me.", knowing how crazy Theerapanyakul's family power is, Babe didn't want to mess with the people he knew he couldn't win against.

He's prideful but he knows his place. His family is powerful but not as powerful as the Theerapanyakul's. No one is as powerful as them.

"Then nobody has to know. It could be our little secret.", Charlie's captivating eyes itself could allure him to agree but with the addition of his soft touch on Babe's side, his desire is screaming at him that he wants the boy and he wants him now.

God knows what the Theerapanyakul will do to him and his family if they knew he's out here ruining the innocent lil baby of their family but God also knows how hard it is to resist someone so desirable like Charlie.

And so Babe gave in.

"Get in my car.", Babe pulls the boy towards his car, pushing him inside the passenger's seat before getting into the driver's seat.

Babe uses his race car driving skill to swerve every turns so their drive back to his home will go by faster.

What drives a man?

You tell me.

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