Chapter 5

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Author's POV

"P'Babe, you're awake already?", a cheerful voice greeted Babe as he walks out of his bedroom towards the kitchen area.

What he didn't expect was to see Charlie in an apron shirtless while platting some food for breakfast. It is a pleasant sight to set his eyes on an exposed broad shoulder under those apron that barely covers anything. Babe could even see Charlie's nipples with every movements he made that would shift the position of the apron.

"I made pasta for breakfast. You need to eat a lot since today is your first day back for practice.", the boy smiles as he places a plate of spaghetti marina on the kitchen island.

Babe openly stares at Charlie with his usual expressionless face while taking a seat on one of the high stool across from the kitchen.

"What is this? Are you cosplaying? Why are you wearing the apron like that?", Babe's tone sounded somehow mocking but the younger guy paid no attention to it.

"Do you like it? I can wear like this for you everyday.", Charlie scrunches up his nose while smiling oh so widely at his favourite racer.

Babe just rolls his eyes as he takes a bite of the pasta infront of him. He had been eating Charlie's cooking here and there throughout the week and the boy never cease to amaze him with his cooking skills.

Today yet again is another delicious meal cooked by the younger. He couldn't help but hummed at the taste.

"Why would a young master like you be good at cooking? Don't you guys have a live in chef or something?", Babe suddenly asked.

Charlie moves to sit next to Babe before answering. "Yeah but I just like learning so I learnt from the chefs at home and I became good at it. But I don't usually cook at home, I just do it for you because you loved my cooking last time.", he ended with a playful wink.

"Who said I loved your cooking?"

"But you always finished what I cooked."

"That's because I don't want to be wasteful."

"Oh... Should I not cook anymore? I'll just order in food next time. Don't eat this anymore-", Charlie attempts on taking Babe's half eaten pasta away from him but before he could the older holds onto his plate almost comically stopping Charlie's action.

"I told you I don't want to be wasteful.", he frowns his brows at the younger which Charlie found to be so adorable.

"I wasn't going to throw it away. I'm going to eat it all by myself.", Charlie added in joking manners.

"But this is mine!"

"But you said you don't like my cooking so no need to eat...."

"Fine take it. I don't like the pasta anyway.", Babe said as he turns his face towards the other side. If this is seen by an outsider, they definitely would think that Babe is a boyfriend sulking with the younger right now.

'But I want to finish it. It is so delicious I wish I can pack it to eat for lunch too but I guess I'm gonna be half hungry now.'

Charlie just stares at the older's side profile with a fond smile plastered on his sweet face. He gently caresses Babe's hand that touches his on the plate before letting go of the plate.

"Actually, I don't think I can finish all the pasta. I made like 3-4 servings. Maybe you should help me finish it this time. I'll make sure to just order take outs next time.", the boy stated softly as he takes a hold of his own cutlery before continuing.

"Maybe I can pack up some of the pasta and you can pass it to P'Alan for his lunch at the garage later. That's a good idea right?", he added with a tinge of foreshadowing.

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