Chapter 9

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Author's POV

After making sure that Babe got home safely, Charlie takes the Grab Car to go back home. Although at first Babe insisted on driving him instead but they both knew that it was not a good idea if his father saw that so they didn't go through with it.

The young guy arrived at the minor family's mansion around midnight, the house are dimly lit so he thought that everyone has gone to bed thus he just casually makes his way inside without worrying about running into anyone.

Little did he know that he was wrong.

"Where have you been, Paris?", a voice resonates through the hall.

Charlie looks to his side without any emotion left on his face. He didn't even bother to properly turn around to look at his father.

"Around. Having fun.", he answered shortly.

"So your way of having fun is locking up a guy in the janitor's closet and left him there for almost a week?", Vegas raises his brow as he moves to be face to face with his son.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy doing that too."

"Paris. I am still your father. Respect me."

"You know I wouldn't even be back here if I don't respect you. Why would I want to be back to get locked up again? Basically just like that guy in the closet."

"I wasn't locking you up. I was just trying to help you control your power, you know that Paris..."

"Don't- don't call my name. You know I can't be helped. I'm a lost cause. That's what they all tell me. That's what all the doctors told me! They can't even pinpoint my second gender. I don't even know what I am, dad! What am I? A monster?!", he clutches his sweater with his fist trying to hold in his emotions.

"No matter what you are, you know that I love you. That your papa, uncle Macau and your brother even the major families loves you.", Vegas attempts on getting closer to his son before pulling him slowly into a tight hug.

"They said I'll destroy the world with the powers I have... The world where everyone I love is in.", he leans down until his chin is placed on his father's shoulder.

"Then learn to control your powers and use it to build one where you can protect us. All of us that you love. No matter what it takes.", Vegas gently pats his son's head, he may be the cruellest man in the mafia world but his son, his family is his everything.

There's nothing and no one that could take that away from him. Before they could get to his family, he will get them first.

"Also, Ris, get rid of that trash. The smell is sipping out and your papa won't like that."


"What a shame... What's your name again?", Paris nudges the naked body that's laying on the floor face down with his feet.

"Oi. I'm talking to you. Are you dead? Haaa you've really became a trash.", he puts more force onto his feet as he kicks the body over, making the body that's been laying there to face upwards to him.

Seeing the body lays unmoving and not answering him he sighs before turning around towards the work table filled with tools. One might think it's to repair cars or one might think that he's a carpenter.

Saw, spannner, hammer, pliers, screws, drills, various kind of drills you name it. All laid out on the work table.

This is a room his father has built for him to separate his hobbies from messing the basement where it's a place for his father's hobbies to take place.

Two peas in a pot they said.

They called it the janitor's closet as a code name since this room is a secret from non family members with the exception of the people responsible to clean the room. No one could know that the young master of this family is a sick psychopath.

"Haaa I specifically told the maid to feed you enough to keep you alive. Why would you be dead?", Paris runs his fingers over the tools before picking one of his liking with a sinister smile plastered on his face.

A claw hammer.

"Or are you just pretending to be dead? That works too you know. Either way... You'll lose this.", he crouches down closer to the unmoving body before lightly tapping his hammer onto the man's hand.

"And also this...", he moves it down to the man's genital area.

"Haaa it's no fun when there's no response.", he takes a sit on the floor crossed legs almost childishly as if he didn't get the toy that he wanted.

⚠️ Gore scene ahead ⚠️

"Oh well...", he takes the man's right hand and places it flat on the floor before smashing it with the hammer multiple times until the skin peels off and the white bone peeks through.

He didn't stop until all the meat and bones got separated from the dead man's hand, leaving no recognisable fingers.

"That's for touching my PitBabe.", he smushes around the remaining meat with his own finger like he's playing with a play-dough before tapping his chin with the same finger he just used.

"I can't remember if you use your left hand too. It'd be nice if you could answer, at least you could take one of your hand to your grave.", Paris lifts the hammer before smashing the dead man's other hand until it is totally destroyed with a blank face on, showing no remorse, no emotions.

"And then here... Hmmm because P'Babe touched it. I can't let his touch linger on anyone else's dick other than mine. Haha... You must be wondering why I'm doing this. It's because he's mine, he just doesn't know it yet."

He turns the hammer around using the claw side instead before tugging hardly on the dead man's penis until it's hooked on the tip. He pulls it downward before twisting it multiple times until the skin starts breaking, he continues with force until the meat falls off the body.

Paris throws the hammer away before standing back up on his feet.

"It's so sad that there's no more blood left in you. It would've been more fun with it. I look good in red you see."

⚠️ End of gore scene ⚠️

Paris' eyes are dark and look almost hollow as he stares at his masterpiece right infront of him. He didn't feel satisfied at all but at least he got rid of what's been on his mind this entire week.

Part of the reason he agreed to go back home because his patience were running thin. He couldn't get rid of the fact that someone has touched his P'Babe and still hasn't paid for it.

Now that he does, something still doesn't feel right. It's not enough. It doesn't get his adrenaline rushing.

"Ahhh... That girl from the amusement park. She dare made P'Babe jealous and almost left me. It's been a while since I heard little bitch's scream."

He moves to the sink area of the secret room, washing his hand throughly from the dead man's remains before opening the door right next to it. Paris walks in into a much smaller room where a small table can be seen at the center of the room with a matching wooden chair under it, the pale red light became the only source of brightness in the room while all four walls covered with various pictures of Babe.

The picture of every corners of the house he lives in, pictures of his cars, pictures of his clothes, pictures of what he eats, pictures of where he went. Every single pictures of every moment in his life since he was born up until now.

Paris takes a sit on the chair with his head laid back while taking in his surrounding. His eyes lingers from one picture of Babe to another.

"You're safe now, P'Babe."

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