Chapter: 30

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After the second task ended, I was heading to the castle. Katie had went with Blaise and Elle disappeared somewhere, so I was walking alone when someone grabs me from the back and takes me to the trees by the side of the lake. It was Theo ofcourse. I tried to shake his hand of but I couldn't.
"Let me go! I swear to Merlin I'll start screaming." I shouted at him.
"No you won't"
But I did, and he clasped his hand over my mouth muffling my voice.
"Merlin! Okay okay calm down Sara." I stopped, and he dropped my hand. I avoided looking into his eyes as I was sure I will kill him if I did.

"You really thought you can give me the silent treatment cupcake?" The audacity this guy hand. I snapped my face to look him straight in the eyes.
"You really have the nerve to ask?" I was in disbelief.
"Why so tense love?" He smirk. I couldn't take it anymore. I hit him on his chest, repeatedly.
"Why tense? Why tense?! You literally fucking kissed me then had the audacity to tell me 'it's just a kiss' then you ask me why I'm tense?!" I punctuated each word with a hit.
"Hey hey hey!" He grabbed my hands from his chest. I tried to pry them away bas his grip was strong.
"Calm down, Merlin! Yes I told you it's just a kiss because you ran away after it. What's wrong with that?"
"What's wrong is that you kissed me and told me it's just a kiss when it meant so much to me!" I blurted out without a second thought, and I regreted it the moment I spoke. But it was too late now. My eyes were watering and I tried so hard to compose myself and not let the tears fall. Theo had fallen silent, staring into my wet eyes.
"Sara, I said it's just a kiss only because I thought it didn't mean to you. You ran away and avoided me and I thought you didn't want things to be akward between us, so I just didn't want to ruin our relation. But you, Sara Black Lupin, are an idiot if you think for one second that kissing you didn't mean the world to me." And then his lips met mine, and I couldn't help but melt into his embrace. His lips were soft, kissing me gently but passionately. I leaned into the warmth of his hands on my cheeks, and enjoyed the feeling of my fingers in his soft hair. It's only when we couldn't breath anymore that we broke the kiss.

He was smiling softly, his hands drying the tears I didn't realise escaped from my eyes, then tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Nice necklace by the way." He grinned. I followed his eyes onto my neck to find my necklace, the one he gave me, sitting there. I haven't thought of taking it off ever since he put it there, even when I was mad at him.
"I see you liked it huh?" He was teasing me.
"Ugh. I could just strangle you."
"No you can't. Not tall enough."
"Shut up" I said but I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I looked at his face, debating what to say.
"So now what?" I asked carefully.
"What what?"
"Theo." I gave him a warning look.
"It's up to you darling, what do you want?"
And I knew what I wanted. It was standing right infront of me.

So I stood on my toes, and kissing him passionately over and over until the air left my lungs. When we stopped, I leaned my head back and looked at his messy hair, green eyes, and swollen lips. He looked gorgeous.
"I guess that answers it" I whisper. He smirked at me.
"Yes indeed."
We walked up to the castle, and just before we entered the castle, Theo stopped me.
"May I, darling?" He extended his hand to me. I looked at it for a second befor holding it, our fingers intertwining, his hand fit mine perfectly.
He smiled at me softly, and I returned it, giving him a peck on the cheek before we entered the hall. Dinner was already being served, so we went in, hand in hand, to eat. We spotted Katie sitting with Blaise on the Slytherin table with Elle opposite to them. As we approached the table, Elle saw us.

"Moons, there you are where-" she stopped into a halt as her mouth hung open at the sight of our hands. I couldn't help but chuckle at her eyes which were about to burst out of her skull. Katie was in no better condition, caught mid bite. Blaise appeared to be shocked as well, Draco nearby whistled and Riddle spoke.
"Way to go Nott." He was amused.
"Hey guys" Theo greated as we sat down next to Blaise and Katie. We started filling our dishes in complete silence, the others too stunned to speak.

After a horribly long wait, Blaise decided to break the silence.
"Am I tripping?"
"No babe, I don't think you are" Katie said.
"What the bloody hell?! Spill. Now." Elle pointed at me.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"Are you two like, a thing now?" Draco asked.
"Yes" Theo answered directly, and I felt my self warm up at the thought. We were actually together.
"We are so talking about this later, just saying" Katie said.
"Yeah you wait" Elle agreed.
I laughed at the two girls before we all continued eating.
"So how did it finally happen?" Riddle asked.
"Oh you know, no one could resist my charm, not even her apparently." Theo smirked.
"Oh as if you weren't the one so desperate to kiss me" I teased back equally.
"She's got you mate, like deep" Draco smirked at Theo, I guess they were used to him being the one to flirt around only and not actually commit to anyone.
"Yeah well she's beautiful, so it's okay."
"This is actually perfcet" Katie said. "I mean me and Blaise, you and Theo..." she trailed off, glancing at Elle who was in turn throwing disgusted looks at Draco. Theo leaned in.
"We still need to work out these two" he said quietly so they didn't hear us and I nodded. We finished eating, Theo's hand was holding mine the entire time. After dinner, the girls directly took me so I could tell them everything that happened.

Once we were done with our tea session, we went to take Elle to her common room. She entered and we waited outside as she was going to call the boys. Not long after, and the two Slytherins were out. Theo and I went down the corridor to give Blaise and Katie some privacy and have some too.

"So that's it? I'm never seeing you again?" Theo pouted like a child.
"We'll spend tomorrow together you drama queen" I chuckled.
"Not enough cupcake" he whined, placing his hands on my waist before pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled against his lips.
"I really have to leave before curfew" I said.
"Buzz killer" he muttered, frowning.
I gave him a quick peck on his lips.
"Goodnight my love" he said, tucking a loose strand from my hair behing my ear.

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