Chapter: 3

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Note: I aged the characters by 1 year so 3rd years are 14 and so on. Enjoy!

We took a ride through the carriages until we arrived to the castle. It was as majestic as ever, so grand and magical and intricate that you could get lost in it's details for days. I missed this place so much, Merlin!

We entered the great hall, me and dad departing so he could join Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers at the front. I headed towards the Gryffindor table, just to spot my favourite Gryffindor girl. She looked as stunning as ever, warm hazelnut brown does eyes, short slightly wave hair, olive skin, and clad in her Gryffindor robes. I screamed, literally, and some students glanced at me in annoyance. But I didn't care, it was Katie Longbottom, who has half of my heart. Once she heard me, we were both racing towards each other until we collided in a suffocating hug. We started laughing and oh did I miss her!

We hurried to take seats at the table, as the sorting ceremony was about to start. I was scanning the Slytherin table, looking for the one who has the other half of my heart. But then how can u miss her. She looked elegant but sassy, just a true Slytherin. Her heavily wavy hair with her curtain bangs, big hazel eyes and a grin that reached her ears once she saw us. NourelleTracy, commonly known as Elle, has been our third piece ever since first year. Even though we were from different houses who held alot of prejudice and hatred towards each other, us three never believe in those stereotypical rivalries. We waved enthusiastically at each other, I couldn't wait until we're done so I could hug her. I noticed she was sitting close to the Slytherin gang; Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy (who was suspiciously too close to her), Matheo Riddle, even Pansy Parkinson was there, and lastly there was Theodore Nott. The sleepy green eyed guy. She mentioned that they were getting closer and met over summer, I guess we'll have to wait for all the tea..

I caught up with the others on the table, occasionally clapping when a first year got sorted into our house. Neville, Katie's cousin, was sitting on my other side. We chatted alot cause I missed him so much! He's the sweetest kindest cutest soul in hogwarts! Ginny was there too as well as the twins. I was having the time of my life being surrounded by all the people I love. Then Dumbledore stood up, silencing the whole hall. I didn't realise the sorting was done, guess time flies fast when you're enjoying it. He said his usual welcoming speech, then addressed the horrifying creatures we encountered at the train. Apparently they are dementors searching for sirius black, and they were set up around the school for protection. And finally, he introduced the new defense against the dark arts teacher for the year, my dad, Professor Remus Lupin. I cheered with the others,well except for professor Snape who was glaring daggers at dad from under his greasy hair, and I saw Elle and Katie beaming at me. They both loved him so much and saw him as a father figure.

"And now that's all done, please enjoy your feast!" Dumbledore said, in an eerie voice so full of wizdom. As soon as he said that, all kinds of delicious mouth watering food appeared on the table. I dug in cause who says no to food? And merlin was that a meal!

As we finished eating, we rushed to our favourite Slytherin girl. Super tight hugs were exchanged, and we decided to hangout somewhere before we each headed to our common rooms.
"I missed you both so so much AHHH I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HEREEEE!" Elle was bouncing up and down, holding both of our hands.
"We missed you more girliiie!!!" Said katie.
"Okay now spit.the.tea" I said as we sat on one of the benches in the coutyard.
"Okay so here me out. This summer we had some sort of slytherin reunion now that we are no longer children, and me and the gang got real close and they are actually not bad at all! Honestly I wasn't expecting them to be.... i don't know? Normal teens and not evil villians?"
"We're so happy for you Elle u have no idea! And if they are actually good then that's amazing to be friends!"
"Yes! And they actually mentioned y'all and said they would like to meet you both someday!"

The gossip went on, as well as catching up on every single detail of our life. Honestly what did you except from 3 besties who finally reunited. Then it was time to head to the common room; non of us wanted to get caught after curfew of the first day. We hugged a group hug, kissed each other and wished the other good night. Then me and Katie headed towards our common room while Elle headed to the dungeons.

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