Chapter: 23

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The first task arrived, and all of hogwarts woke up early to prepare and head to the pitch. Me and the girls were obviously sitting together. The first task was revealed to be, as Harry has mentioned before, fighting a dragon to retrieve the golden egg. Internally, I was hoping that what he told me was not true, but oh well. The first three champions were Viktor, Fleur, and Cedric, all of then successfully beating the dragons and getting the eggs, not without being nearly burnt and eaten in the process. It was then Harry's turn.

The arena roars, and three massive banners hang tattered and smoking. Only one is wholly intact, the one with the hogwarts crest. That is until, a fireball bursts through the center of it and the banner disintegrates, revealing a massive scary dragon. Yellow eyes blazing, spiked tail punching the ground where a glimmering golden egg lies. Me, Elle and Katie look at each other in anticipation. Then, Harry lifts his wand into the sky, and accios his broom. We look at each other in shock, this was honestly a brilliant idea. I scream with the crowd as Harry instantly rockets into the air, and the dragon's head swivels, enraged. It's yellow eyes track Harry's every move. As he dives, the Horntail spits forth a blazing rope of fire. Harry swoops, streaking under the flames, straightens out, dives again, then looks down to see the dragon's tail lashing up like a whip. He continues rolling and dodging around, while I pray he doesn't do anyting stupid, and just then he does.

He seems to be dazed in someone in the crowd, Cho, and my hands fly to my face in horror as he blinks and turns. It was too late though, the dragon's tail slashes through his shoulder and sends him spinning away in a spray of blood.
"Idiot." Elle says, and I couldn't help but agree.
Grimcing, Harry steadies the firebolt and, setting his jaw, begings to circle the arena. As he flies faster and faster, we rose to our feet to see him, roaring as he rockets past once, twice, and then again. Suddenly, he loops high and dives directly at the Horntail. The dragon bellows savagely, stretching it's chains to the breaking point, and expels a blazing ball of fire. I gasp as he disappears, holding my breath, my face bleached with light as the night sky shimmers, and then...

Harry bursts straight out of the ball of fire, swooping between the dragon's legs and scooping up the golden egg. As he rises into the air, robes smoking, face strewn with ash, cheers shake the arena. Me and Katie scream with the others, cheering for him. Exultant, Haryy circles the arena on the smoldering firebolt, egg clutched in his bloody hand, grinning as the flag of Gryffindor is raised.

Fast forward a week after, where me and the girls were sitting in the library studying. The winter holidays were near, so we wanted to finish as much homeworks as possible before it.
"We're going shopping by the way, tomorrow." Elle said looking up from the potions book infront of her.
"Why?" I asked and she gasped, putting her hand over her heart in mock hurt.
"Ouch moony? Really? We have to get dresses for the yule ball" Ever since they announced the yulle ball, a Christmas ball held in the host school of the triwizard tournament, everybody has been going feral about it, including Elle. Not a couple days ago, we had dance classes with professor McGonagall, which were traumatising if I'm being honest.
"Well I'm not going tomorrow" Katie says
"Whyyyy?" Elle whines.
"I have some things to do"
"Who are you going with anyway Elle?" I asked
"I was asked by a couple of guys, but I'm going with Adam" she says with a smile.
"And who is Adam?" Katie questions.
"A cute Slytherin dude"
"Please tell me it's not the guy you were dancing with at the party" I pleaded.
"In the flesh" She sing songed, grinning.
"You do realise that Malfoy will either kill him or you at the end of the day right?" Katie asked
"Why are you acting as if me and Draco are dating or something? We're not even friends so I do not care what he thinks or does."
Me and katie exchanged a look; they were still fighting.
"Plus, he's taking Astoria, so he'll be busy dancing with his date" They way she spat her name was actually scary, just like the way Malfoy spits Potter's name, but even more venomous.

Before any of us could say something more, Blaise came into the library. He spotted us sitting, and approached , greeting us.
"Hey girls"
"Hey Blaise" "Hey" "Hi"
"Uhm, Katie can I talk to you for a minute"
Me and Elle both looked at Katie, who looked surprised and flustered.
"Uhm yeah, yeah sure!" She got up hastily and they went to talk. Elle looked at me, giving me an evil smile which I returned back. After a bit, Katie came back, her face deep scarlet and holding a white rose.
"You know what, I actually am free tomorrow." She said.
"GIRL SPILL" Elle urged
We SCREAMED, literally. We started jumping around and hugging her, freaking out. That is until a ghost floated by, hushing us.

The next day, Katie woke me at the crack of dawn to go buy dresses. I would've said something inappropriate, but I was happy she was happy and didn't  want to kill her excitment. We met Elle in the great hall, and decided to skip breakfast and eat at Hogsmeade. Elle took us to a shop she knew which she promised had alot of pretty designs. We first started choosing dresses for Katie, we had to make sure we found her the dress. We ended up choosing a champagne silk dress with a train. It was bedazzled with jewels, sparkling under the light. She paired it with lace gloves. She seriously looked stunning, me and Elle were fangirling her the whole time. Then Elle picked out an emerald deep v-neck dress which she paired with a silver snake necklace that coiled around her neck and dropped towards her chest. It was filled with diamonds and had emeralds for eyes. Truly fitting for the Slytherin queen she was. Then finally it was time for me to choose. I tried on a couple of dresses, but wasn't fully satisfied with anyone yet. I came out of the dressing room to show Elle and Katie the dress I had just tried on. They both stared at me with wide eyes.

"My world you look breath taking" Elle said.
"No seriously you have to get this one you look like a princess." Katie added.
I had to agree with them, the dress was my favourite. It was a stunning midnight blue dress with tiers and layers of ruffles. It looked like a flower with it's petals overlapping, the hems shining with crystas. At the middle there was a blue and silver embellishment of flowers and vines. It was just me. After we finished shopping we sat in a café and ate our breakfast, excitedly planning our makeup and hair, just happy that we found our dream dresses.

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