Chapter: 21

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" -and then he had the audacity to shout at me for dancing with someone, all while that whore was all over him in the first place. He even said my dress was slutty."
Elle was having a full blown tantrum. Apparently her and Draco had a fight because he didn't want her dancing with that guy and she was being stubborn because he was with Astoria all night. Katie and I sat on either side of her in one of the cloves in the corridors. We glanced at each other then back at Elle, who was still ranting and crying. She was not crying because of the fight but because of how angry she was.
"Listen Elle, can I ask you something?" Said Katie.
"Yeah" Elle sniffed.
"Why does Draco care that much about who your're dancing with and what your're wearing? And why do you care if he was with Astoria all-"
"I don't. I do not care. For all I care he can go date her." She said fiercely.
"Okkkayyyy then why does he care?" I repeated the question.
"He's just a spoiled narcissist who has to be the center of attention."
"Again he doesn't go around doing this with everyone. Why you?"
"Listen, if you think that he has feeling for me, merlin forbid, your're super wrong. And if you think that I do then your're even more wrong. He just wanted to ruin my night because he hates me, and he succeeded. I'm sorry I spoiled your night with my drama."
"Girl shut it and come give us a hug" Katie scolded her.
We three hugged each other tightly l.
" I love you guys."
"We love you too Elle."

The next day was Hogsmeade day. Elle stayed at the castle because she wasn't in the mood, and Katie went with Blaise to, and I quote, 'look at some books'. I went to get some snacks, then headed to the three broomsticks. Once there, I spotted the trio sitting on one of the tables, so I decided to join them for a bit as I haven't talked to them in a good while.
"Hey guys" I greeted.
"Hey sara!" "Hi" They greeted me back, Hermione flashing me a big smile and tapping the seat beside her.
"Come sit with us"
I sat down and ordered a butterbeer. We chatted a bit about the classes this year and such.
"I'm so excited for Dumbledore to pick out the names for the tournament tonight" Ron said after a while.
"Yeah about that, how do they make sure that students not of age won't put their names in" Harry asked.
"They cast an age barrier around the goblet. It keeps away anyone who isn't the required age" Hermione explained.
"Yeah, Fred and George think they can trespass it"
"How would they though" I asked, to which ron explained.
"They will use some aging potion to put their names in"
"Ah the twins, always iconic" I laughed "this will for sure be a show" I shoke my head while Hermione was complaining that "a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim witted as an ageing potion". We started laughing at the twins outrageous attempts to enter this tournament, and how much they'll screw up tonight when the door opened, and Nott entered the bar. His eyes immediately caught mine while I was laughing with the Gryffindors. He sat down on a table infront of us, staring at me with raised eyebrows.

After about 5 minutes I excused myself, wanting to leave and go back to the castle

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After about 5 minutes I excused myself, wanting to leave and go back to the castle. I just couldn't sit there with Nott staring at me like that. As I was heading towards the castle, I heard footsteps behind me, and when I looked back I was met with a grinning face. The Durmstrang guy I was dancing with was there, grinning from ear to ear.
"Hello gorgeous, remember me?"
"WishbI didn't. I'm in a hurry" I turn around but he grabs my arm, pulling me towards him to face him.
"But why, can't you spare me a little of your precious time"
"No I cant, so leave me alone" I tried to yank my hand from his grip but it was useless. What he said next made my heart beat in my throat.
"You're not going away this time" just as I was about to scream, Nott appeared out of no where, pulling him away from me and punching him hard in the face, he was about to fall.
"What did I tell you about leaving her alone?!" He was shouting at the guy who was still clutching his cheek. The guy didn't answer, instead punching Nott in return. And just like that, they broke into a fight. I tried to stop them but it was to no avail. The guy pinned Nott down and started punching him repeatedly across the face and ribs. I was screaming for help. Then, Nott flipped over and pinned him, punching him, barely a second between each strike. His eyes were manic, blinded by rage.

"THEO! THEO STOP!" I was genuinely afraid he was going to kill the boy. By that time a crowd has gathered, and they separated Theo away from the guy. He thankfully wasn't damaged more that being bruised, although I would've loved to see him in the hospital wing, I didn't want Theo to get into trouble. I grabbed him arm, his eyes still glaring at him, ready for another round.
"Come on, that's enough, let's go" I pulled him towards the castle.

He was silent the whole walk. Once we arrived to the castle though, I broke the silence.
"Do you have a first aid kit in your dorm?"
"Yeah" was the only thing he said.
We headed towards the Slytherin common roon in the dungeon. I wasn't concerned about going in because most student must be in the hall waiting for the goblet to select the contestants' names. After Nott said the password, we passed the emerald room towards the stairs leading to the boys dorms. Nott leaded the way as I had no idea where his dorm was. After he stopped by a door, he opened it and we got in. The Slytherin dorms were impressive to say the least. They were elegant, sophisticated. Dark cherry wood beds, drawers with silver serpent handles, emerald green wallpaper. It was stunning in there.

He went to rummage through one of his drawers, bringing a wooden box. He handed it to me and sat on the bed. I sat next to him. The box had a variety gauze, potions and salves. I took a piece of gauze, soaking it with a  disinfecting potion and gently dabbing it across the gashes littering his face. He was looking at his hands in his lap, face away from me. I grabbed his chin, and gently turned his face so that he was facing me. His eyes then looked up to mine, searching deeply. I quickly focused on cleaning the wounds on his face. It's just something about his eyes, looking so deeply into mine that makes me lose my grasp on reality, as if they want time to stop, so I could melt into his eyes forever.

After finishing the cleaning, I grabbed a healing salve, spreading it over the injuries, making sure I was as gentle as possible to not hurt him.
"Take off your shirt"
His eyes were daydreaming, staring at me. It took him a second, but I saw him blink, snap back into focus, digesting my words.
"Pardon me, what?" His expression of pure confusion made me want to laugh, but I kept it in maintaining a straight face and serious expression.
"Take off your shirt" I repeated nonchalantly.
The sheer look of horror on his face was too much, I couldn't hold my laughter any longer. I kept laughing while he just stared at me like I've grown two heads.
"Relax Nott, I just wanna check your ribs"
"You scared me" he exhaled. He took of his shirt, and as I expected, his ribs were bruised. I tried not to linger my gaze on his toned abs, focusing on feeling the ribs to see if any was broken. I tried to ignored the warmth of his skin, the firm muscles under my hands and the butterflies dancing in my belly. I may or may not have let my hand linger over his heart, feeling the beats under my fingers.
"I think that nothing is broken, just bruised"
I applied more salve on the bruises there, before looking back to his face, to find him already staring at me.

Then, the door opened, startling us both, and Blaise entered the dorm.
"This is not what it looks like" I spat out rapidly, scooting away from Nott. Blaise gave me a doubtful look, eyeing us both suspiciously.
"Guess I got here at an inappropriate time" He said lightly with a hint of teasing in his voice.
"No you didn't" I quickly retorted
"Why are you even here?" Nott sounded annoyed.
"Well excuse me for wanting to enter my room. We share this dorm you know." He answered sarcastically, throwing himself to his bed and continuing;
"Also, I came to tell you the drama. Since you missed the show, the goblet chose Victor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric Diggory."
"That's awesome, Cedric will be a great champion indeed"
I was happy he was chosen.

"Yeah except you missed the whole drama part, when the goblet spat another name"
"What? That's impossible." Nott said in disbelief.
"You'll be even more surprised when I tell you that the name written was Harry Potter"
"WHAT?!" I was in utter disbelief. How did harry manage to get himself in such a predicament? He wasn't of age to begin with. And how did the goblet decide to defy nature and choose 4 names?
"Do you reckon he did it for the eternal glory?" Nott asked.
"No, Harry isn't that stupid, he would never do that. Think of it logically." I was positive he didn't do it. Harry is no where near ready to get into such a tournament, his magical abilities are mediocre. Plus he wouldn't do it for glory. There was something more, someone did this to him. And I had a feeling this wasn't gonna be the end of it.

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