Chapter: 15

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As we start to move, Harry glances at the table where dad has left Harry's wand. In a flash, it's in his hand.
Snape soars into the air, hits the wall with a thud, and slides down. We stare in shock.
"You attacked a teacher, Harry." Ah Hermione, always the mom of the group.
Harry looks a bit shocked himself, then turns to Black.
" You said Peter before. Peter who?" "Pettigrew. He was at school with us. We thought he was a friend."
" No. Pettigrew's dead. He killed him."
As Harry points at Black, Black laughs mirthlessly.
"I thought so, too. Until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the Map."

Harry stares into Black's sunken eyes. Wanting to believe. Desperate to believe. Glances at Ron, his agonized face. Scabbers squirms violently.
"Show me."
Dad and Black turn to Ron. He holds Scabbers protectively.
" What are you going to do to him?"
Black and dad exchange a glance.
" Together." Black whispers to dad, who, with that, takes out his wand and, as one, he and Black cast a stream of blue light . Scabbers twists madly in midair, then transforms into... a very short man with thinning hair and grubby hands.

"Alright this is getting a lil creepy don't you think" Nott told me. All I could do was nod.
"S-Sirius... R-Remus. My old friends."
Neither speaks. Pettigrew's small, watery eyes dart toward the windows and door. Suddenly, he makes a break for it, but Sirius merely shoves him back. Pettigrew's nose twitches, his gaze finding Harry. His  hands flutter nervously, reveal a missing index finger.
" Harry! Look at you! Y-you look just like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I-"
" Shut up!" Sirius yelled.
" I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would you have done?"
"Died! Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realized, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you..."
"We would." My father finished.
" No... please... you can't..." His eyes darted, finding Ron.
" Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." Ron draws back in disgust. Pettigrew turns to me.
"Sweet girl. Pretty girl. Surely you won't let them..." Nott stands fully infront of me now.

As one, Dad and Black raise their wands, point them directly into Pettigrew's face. He shrinks back trembling, closing his eyes in fear.
" No." Harry stops them
Pettigrew's lids lift. Dad and Black turn. Staggered.
" Harry, this man..." dad starts
"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle."
"Bless you, boy! Bless you-" he clung to Harry.
"Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the Dementors can have you."

Before we headed back to the castle, I looked at my father.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this"
My father's eyes met mine, but before he could say anything, Black spoke.
"Remus... is she.. please tell me" He seemed to get his answer from my father's gaze as he turned to look at me eyes slightly wide.
"I'm so sorry" My father said. I couldn't tell if he was apologising to me or his friend. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Could someone please explain to me what I'm missing here!" I was yelling. The whole events that took place have stressed me out, and now both of them were looking weirdly at me.
"Lupin calm down" Nott told me in a quiet voice.
"Sirius... maybe we should-"
"No Remus. I've waited all that time in that cell with the hope that this moment will one day come. I don't know what's waiting for me outside, so I'm not risking it."

Letting out a sigh, my father looked at me. I can see the look of sadness, hurt, worry all swimming in his chocolate brown eyes.
"Sara, sweetheart. What I'm about to say to you is... Look I want you to stay calm and listen to me alright? Everything will be alright"
"What is it dad?" I asked in a shaky voice.
"I have kept this secret from you because I wanted you to live a happy life, but now, you deserve to know, both of you do." I was on the verge if tears.
" Sirius is your real father Sara."

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