Chapter: 17

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Just as it was the first year for my dad as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, it was his last. At the end of the year, he resigned, knowing that people will not want a werewolf to teach their children, now that his secret is out. Siruis sent Harry a firebolt broomstick and he sent me a bunch of books I've wanted to read for long now, along with a couple of letters. I never sent him letters back though, I just didn't know what to say.

The rest of the year went by as normal as it could get. The Slytherin's company was if fact fun and we became really close friends. It was a good year regardless of all the madness.
When our third year was done, me and dad went to the one and only ancient house of Black, which was abandoned. It had a cloaking spell on it to hide it from public sight, and it was the hideout of Sirius. Things were akward to say the least, and I spent most of the time in my room avoiding any interaction with him. Harry came to visit Sirius a couple of times. One afternoon after dinner, I headed to my room as usual, when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in" It was Sirius, I should've expected he'd wanna talk to me soon.
"Hey, can we talk?"
"Sure I guess" I nodded my head.
He sat on the end of the bed facing me.

"I know things have been really akward between us, and I don't want it to be that way. I love you Sara. You are my daughter, the one I've waited all those years for. I want a good relationship between us"
"I do too. But it's gonna take a bit of time for me to get used to all of this."
"I know and I do understand. We have all the time in the world, but in the meantime just give me a chance to make it right."
"Alright" I said softly, noding.
"Come on, I wanna show you something."

We got up and he led me to a room in the far end of the corridor. It was closed shut. He opened the door to reveal an old bedroom.
"This was my childhood bedroom"
"Yes. Here, come look" he went to the corner of the room, picked on a slab of wood on the floor until it opened. There was a bunch of items hidden there under the floor board. He grabbed them and sat us on his bed, reciting every story belonging to each item. We spent the afternoon together, Siruis retelling their old stories, and me laughing at how much chaos they used to cause.

"There is no way you pranked Snape like that" I said in between giggles.
"Oh don't underestimate your old folks" he said, mirroring my laughs.
"I think I should head to sleep" I said with a smile still plastered on my face.
"Alright sleep well"
I was about to leave, but before I was fully out of the door, I turned around.
"Hey uhm... thanks Sirius" I instantly regretted what I said, I just sounded super akward, but he nonetheless smiled widely at me.
"Your're welcome darling, and call me Padfoot"

The final week before school, I was awoke at a godforsaken hour in the morning. I was ready to punsh whoever had dared to wake me up before the sun had even slightly risen. But then I remembered what day it was, the finals of the Quidditch World Cup. I had been waiting this day all summer. Now I'm not such a sports enthusiastic but it was a huge event and I was looking forward for it. What I was mostly excited for was seeing Elle and Katie. I haven't seen them all summer and I was super eager to finally see them again, as I've missed them alot. Practically everyone will be there, and by that I mean everyone. I was likely to see alot of people I know from school, including one certain Slytherin. I was wondering whether he'll be there, just out of curiosity not more. Me and dad apparted to the Weasley's residence, where a string of sleepy silhouettes, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione, trail after a huffing Arthur Weasley.

"Good morning" greeted my father.
"Ahh Remus, what a great morning right"
No one but Arthur was somewhat awake. My dad left me with them, saying he wanted to stay with Sirius so he wasn't alone. We started walking in what seems like a never ending path up the hill. I was out of breath.
"Where is it exactly, where we're going?" I asked.
"Dunno. Say, Dad. Where're we going?" Ron asked his father.
"Haven't the foggiest."

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