Chapter 5 A New World

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Peter's POV
Being attacked by a mysterious creature? Alien? God? Monster? Isn't the most fun thing in the world. There I am, minding my own business, sitting atop the roof of a playground, being the friendly neighborhood spiderman, watching out for the little guy, when this THING attacks me while I'm trying to eat my sandwich. Like, be FOR REAL. Why me out of every hero in this city, why me. All I want is to eat my sandwich in peace, without everything falling into prices.
Looking back on it now. I probably should have been paying attention to that meeting Fury made with all the Avengers and I attended. Something about random attacks on the city and witnesses not knowing what it was. All I remember is zoning off.

There I was, sitting at a table with the other Avengers, who were looking just as confused as I felt when Nick Fury entered the meeting room in Stark Tower.
"Alright, listen up you hodgepodge of government agents, outlaws, and the single child come to S.H.I.E.L.D's attention that there have been multiple reports of mysterious attacks around the city with have occurred, and there's no evidence to support that it isn't a terrorist organization or H.Y.D.R.A.. Multiple witnesses have claimed to be attacked by fifteen feet dogs, vampire impersonators, or straight up one eyed men. I need all of you to figure this out while I deal with a possible killer Russian ferrets trying to take over Ghana..."
I start to zone out as chaos erupts around me, questions here and there, wondering about what threat level these attacks are, or how killer Russian ferrets are trying to take over Ghana, either way I stop paying attention. My thoughts slowly drift to when I was five or six, when I first met Percy. I was on top of a playground when an older boy shoved his way past me, causing me to slip and fall off the side where the slide connected. I'm sure I would have fallen and broken a few bones if it wasn't for Percy grabbing the back of my shirt and yanking me backwards, since then we have been best friends, or I thought we were. Until recently, by recently I mean two years ago, we started to become more distant. Im sure its because he has to go to a boarding school an hour away or so, but a next message or a phone call once and a while never hurts anyone.
Life has just been feeling bland lately, nothing super exciting has been happening and the world just feels...numb and gray? I think it's because of Uncle Ben's death last year, Aunt May wanted to send me to therapy but we couldn't afford it, and I really miss Percy. I haven't seen him in a while. I miss my best friend. Life's sucked lately and I wish I could actually talk to him. He's always been really good at dealing with my problems, sure Ned is great and all for being Spider Man, but I feel like he wouldn't understand. I mean he lives with his Nana, but he isn' MJ cool I guess, but we aren't super close so it would probably be really awkward if I randomly just started talking to her about life, and she doesn't even know I'm Spider Man. Everything felt right when Percy was here, but he's gone now. I've tried everything to make myself move on from him, it's not like he's coming back anytime soon...or for me. Why does my heart hurt when I think of him? Crap, what's happening, uh killer russian ferrets, yeh the meeting with Fury.
Anyways, I zone back into the conversation as Fury is telling us what to do if we encounter one of these mysterious creatures. "You are not to engage with these beings, it's unknown what powers or technology they possess, or even if our weapons even affect them.  You are to simple watch and record theses things so we are able to find appropriate ways to deal with them.
End of Flashback

Oh...we weren't supposed to engage, well it's a little too late for that. I aim my web shooters at the maw of the beast but nothing fires. Crap! I'm out of web fluid. This isn't good. This really isn't good. Come on, think Peter, there's a way out. There's always a way out. Iron Spider! I turn on the kill mode and six spider like legs appear on my back, three on each side. As I prepare myself to run away and climb a skyscraper, I see a small boy sitting on the playground pointed at the thing. Next to him was a girl who was probably his sister, if I can distract the thing I can lead it away from the kids.
"Yo ugly, yo mama so fat, if she bought a fur coat a whole species would go extinct." NOT A GOOD IDEA. NOT A GOOD IDEA. The thing, if possible, looked even more angry, and that anger was pointed at me. I need to think my actions through more but now, I need to run. As I'm running away from the thing, it managed to bite off one of my spider legs, this caused me to trip and r fall to the ground.

The girl threw herself in front of me, I wanted to do anything, scream at her to move out of the way or run far away from here, but I couldn't. I was too slow to act. I was about to let this innocent girl die for me, I can't be responsible for more people's death. Instead of hearing a scream of pain, or the sounds of bones being crushed and skin tearing, all I heard was a bong, like something hitting a metal pipe. There, in front of me, the girl was in the mouth of the thing and nothing was happening. A wicked smile overcame her face, just from looking at her, she made me want to hide in the deepest, darkest, corner of the world, but something tells me she would still find me. She grabbed the creature and slammed it on its back. How do you flip something that's six to seven times bigger than yourself, I have no clue. Then the girl grabbed a baseball bat, no sword? What's wrong with my eyes, they aren't focusing, why can't I see the girl's face too? Anyways, she plunged the bay-sword into the head of the creature causing it to turn to golden dust. How did this random girl beat this thing in less than a minute and I was about to die, not that the thought was unwelcome. The girl dusted herself off and walked over to the little boy, grabbing his hand and walking off like nothing even happened.

I think I'm going to lay here for a few hours.

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