Chapter 4 Concrete Jungle

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Bianca's POV

The first thing Nico and I noticed is the sheer size of the city, spanning as far as the eye could see we're buildings ranging in all shapes and colors. Amongst them all, the one that stood out was none other than the Empire State Building, the home of the gods, Olympus.

The first thing that struck my mind was the fact that we didn't have any money or that's what I thought until Nico pulled out a black plastic card reading Pluto's Capital Trust, Elite Diamond Card. After that I checked my pockets and found the same card and $500 in cash rolled up in my coat pocket. I really don't have a clue what we do with these plastic things, do they have some sort of money in them or are they money now? Life's too confusing these days.
After stopping and asking a nice middle aged woman with glasses and brown hair how we can use these plastic cards, the woman, May, said it's a cashless way of spending money however you want but you have to pay back. I kind of zoned out during her explanation as I saw a quaint looking shop across the street nestled in between two buildings. After May excused herself, something about helping her nephew, I grabbed Nico and dragged him over to the shop, much to his behest.
The shop was by no means shabby, it just looked old. Sitting outside were a few potted plants, behind them, the glass window was displaying a wonderful looking dress. Sleek, black, and elegant, it was fit for a person who commanded power, I wonder if it would look good on me. Pushing the light green door open,revealing a room with a smooth black stone floor and the walls made of dark oak. We were greeted with an assortment of different antiquities ranging from clothes, to statues, to clocks, to fountains, anything and everything someone could ever think of was in this building.
I grabbed Nico's hand as we walked into the store. The items seemed to change the farther we went back, it went from cellphones and other junk to rustic looking books and...weapons, not guns, just weapons of any and all kinds? What kind of store is this? Nico seemed like he was about to pop from excitement. He was gravitating to a sword with a skull biting the crossguard and a dangerously looking blade.
"Nico don't touch that, we don't know what that thing can do."
"Sorry Bianca, but it looks so cool. Can we get it? Pleaseee?"
I take a moment to think, do I let my little brother get a sword. The obvious answer should be no but he does need something to protect himself. I still have my hunter's bow in the shape of a crescent hair clip. Does that mean I'm still a huntress? So many questions and not enough answers.
"Fine you can get it, just let me hold onto it until we can find a person who can check us out. How much did it cost anyways?"
"Yes! Thank you Bianca, you're the best! Uhhh price? I don't know, there wasn't a price tag on it."
I take a deep breath, hopefully it won't cost too much. I hope we can use the credit card thing, I rather keep the cash for later or until we actually need it.
We walk around for a bit looking at all of the things the store has to offer. I found a few books on magic and hexes and Nico found a few Myth O' Magic cards that he claimed were "super rare" and  "super powerful", knowing him, he probably already has the cards he just wants to get more. I swear that kid has spent too much money on those cards, but it helps him focus on something that isn't negative.
We started to walk to the front of the store to see if we could find an employee or something until I noticed a slender looking sword made out of some mysterious black metal that transitioned to a light blue towards the point of the blade. The sword didn't have a cross guard but it still looked all the more imposing than a normal sword I'd seen at camp before I left. As I picked it up I felt a surge of energy pour into me and the sword seemed to come to life. Mysterious royal blue tendrils of energy formed an elegant cross guard and a rather large gen at the pommel of the hilt began to glow.
I turned around as I heard a voice behind me begin to speak. "I see you've found your weapon, it's a very rare event that many demigods will never experience in their lives."
I move Nico behind me as I pull out my hair clip, drawing my bow. "Who are you?" I asked the girl who appeared behind us.
"I'm you, but different. No I'm messing with you," the girl clarifies. She must have seen the confused look on my face. "Please lower your bow, I don't mean any harm. My name is Lou Ellen, I'm a daughter of Hecate. Welcome to Hecate's Emporium of Enchantment, we've been waiting for you to visit us for a while. Mom speaks very highly of you Bianca di Angelo."
"You know my name?" I ask as I lower my bow. Lou Ellen isn't that much younger than me, so reasonable she can't be that much of a threat, but then again, looks can be very deceiving.
"Of course I do, all of the children of The Order of Night know who you are. You're going to be the savior of us all, but if you would please follow me, I believe that you two have a meeting with my mom."
"A meeting with Hecate? Right now? Why, we haven't done anything yet, we still need to go get new clothes and get something to eat. And what about these" I gesture to the weapons. "How much are these? Do you accept a credit card because that's really the only form of money we have."
"Relax, the meeting will only take a few minutes before you're on your way. As for the weapons they're free, seeing a demigod bond with them is payment enough, let alone seeing it happen twice in one day. But the books and Myth O' Magic cards you will have to pay for, we accept cash, card, and drachmas." Lou Ellen said as she guided us to a back room of the shop.
I grab Nico's hand as we follow her into the room where Hecate sat at a table ready for us. As Lou Ellen bid us good luck and walked away, I couldn't help but think about what I had gotten us into. When Nico and I took our seats Hecate began to speak. "It's good to see you again Bianca, even if it's only been a few hours. I won't take too much of your time but we have to discuss...your little brother"
Nico's head popped up more at the mention of himself. "What about me? Bianca, what does she want to talk about? Did I do something?"
"You didn't do anything Nico, and I don't know," I say as I look at the goddess, challenging her to say anything bad about Nico.
"You haven't done anything wrong dear, I just wanted to say that I'm impressed that you had the bravery to challenge an Olympian after four days of knowing that us gods existed. It's more so that I have a hunch that you in particular will need some guidance later on. Once a week, I want you both to stop by for an hour or so and we just work on some basic magic skills, nothing serious." the goddess says.
I look at her questionably, why would I or my little brother need lessons in magic. As far as I know the most magicicy thing he's ever done was eat a whole pizza by himself and still have room for cake. "Why would Nico or I need magic lessons? Are we wizards or something?" I joke.
"No, but seeing as witchcraft is under one of my domains of power, I can tell who has my gift, along with who has natural talent or potential for magic. I see many great things in store for Nico, some are dangerous, some aren't, but I feel as if both of you would benefit from some lessons.I've blessed you with magic Bianca, and it would be a shame to see such power go to waste. So I want both of you here on Saturday next week around 2pm. Do we understand each other?"
I sigh as both Nico and myself nod our heads in acknowledgement.
"Very well, I hope to see you two in good health next week, and Bianca, to answer that question, you're not a hunter anymore. From any other point of view, just keep that in mind that from any other perspective, you're effectively dead to the Greek world."
With the last words being uttered we were teleported to a nice park with weapons in hand where a chaotic scene unfolded. In front of us was the Chimera attacking what looked to be a person in a red and blue spandex suit swinging around and trash talking the monster

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