Hiding away

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"It's Mine! Your Mine!"

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"It's Mine! Your Mine!"

I wake up with a start, disoriented and surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. My heart races as I struggle to remember where I am, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to the edges of my consciousness. Panic rises within me as I take in the unfamiliar room, the morning light filtering through unfamiliar curtains. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm the frantic beat of my heart, looking out at the room around me.

I blink away the remnants of sleep, as my gaze drifts across the unfamiliar surroundings, I notice the green sheets beneath me, and a wave of recognition washes over me. This is Lloyd's room. Panic gives way to a sense of relief as I remember where I am. Slowly, I lay back down. The sent of lemon grass and summer filled my nose. Instantly I felt calmer. I turned to my side a dug my face farther into the pillow, breathing in the sent.

I startle at the sudden knock on the door, my heart leaping in my chest. In my haste to rise from the bed, I misjudge the distance and tangle myself in the sheets, stumbling awkwardly to the floor with a thud. Heat rushes to my cheeks as I quickly try extricate myself from the tangled mess, hoping whoever is on the other side of the door didn't hear my clumsy descent. I struggle against the tangled sheets, my movements only serving to ensnare me further. With each twist and turn, the fabric tightens around me like a constricting serpent, trapping me in its grasp.

The door opened slowly and a blond mop of hair peeks through the crack.

"Are you good?" Lloyd asked. His tone slightly amused.

"Yes." I grumbled, trying to escape the blankets but I only managed to get myself more tangled. ".....No." I whined, dropping my head onto the floor.

Lloyd sighed and walked into the room. He set a pile of clothes on the nightstand before heading over to me. He picked me up off the floor and back onto the bed. He then quickly freed me from the sheets.

I jumped up and away with a hoot. "Take that Evil Sheets Of Death!"

Lloyd chuckled and shoved the pile of clothes into my arms. "Figured you might want a change of clothes. They are some of Nya's old ones so they should fit"

I looked down at myself. My pants were stained and my shirt was torn at the bottom. I looked like a mess.

He then walked over to his closet. After a moment he pulled out a green hoodie and threw it into the pile. "And this will keep you warm."

I sighed with a nod. "Tell her I said thanks!"

"What no thanks for me?" He smirked leaning forward.

"No." I replied teasingly, pushing him out the door.

"Hey! This is my room!" He complained.

"I need to change, you dumbo!" I shut the door in his face before he had a chance to respond.

Where Purple Meets Green (Ninjago: Lloyd X Oc) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now