Strange Occurrences

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School hasn't been awful

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School hasn't been awful. Lloyd, Nya, and I have become good friends over the past few weeks. Though there has been some, bullying problems.

"Guess the Garma squad got a new member." One of the Jocks laughed as he walked past us. "If you know what's good for you girl, make different friends!"

Nya rolled her eyes while Lloyd looked down at his feet. I glared in the Jock, my hands clenched at my sides.

I felt so bad for Lloyd. The only reason these people bully him was because of his father. They say there all evil, because his dad once was. Completely ridiculous if you ask me.

Suddenly the Jock slipped on nothing, falling to the floor. Everyone in the hall went from laughing at Lloyd to laughing at the Jock.



While sitting in my desk at home I allowed my mind to wonder. Music blasting from my headphones while I'm supposed to be doing Homework. Then my favorite song comes on and I'm dancing and singing around my room like a mad woman.

When the song eventually ends I take a deep breath to calm my excited mind. I large smile on my face.


The book that was once on my desk falls to the floor on the other side of the room.

"What the-?" I walk over and pick it up.

I look around before examining the book. Nothing seems suspicious about it, so I bring it back over to my desk and finnish the work I had started.


I managed to convince Lin to let me go get Ice Cream with my two friends, after a lot of begging. The only rule was I had to be home by 7pm.

I quickly grabbed my phone and purse before racing out the door. I punched in the address for the Ice Cream Shop and started walking there. I had to pass through a few alleys on the way to get there on time.

The shop soon came into view with two chatting people waiting by the door. Lloyd was the first to spot me and waved excitedly. I giggled to myself and picked up the pace.

"Hey guys!" I waved.

"Raila what took you so long!" Nya pulled me in for a tight hug, which I gladly returned.

"Sorry, it took Lin a lot of convincing to let me come." I sighed.

"Well you're here now. Let's head inside!" Lloyd opened the door for us before following.

The shop smelt strongly of sugar. As I looked around I realized this was more the just an Ice Cream shop. It was a whole Sweet Shop! My jaw dropped as I glanced over at Lloyd who had a smug look on his face. Nya grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the Ice Cream.

Where Purple Meets Green (Ninjago: Lloyd X Oc) RewriteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora