Chapter 21

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Harry pov

During dinner I hear some whispers through out the hall. The professor, Lockhart, has been taking advantage of students. I use a spell to record what I am hearing and place it into a vile. Finally I have more evidence against him. I also have conversations about the creatures he brought in and the attack that happened with the vampire. Though nothing about me actually being turned.

I cannot do this by myself however to make sure that he actually goes down. I walk over to Ron, Draco, Neville and Leo and tell them to meet me after dinner. They all agree and decide to meet in the back of the library as no one will really be in there today.

I am the first in the nook behind the bookshelves that we decided to meet in and slowly everyone trickles in. Once everyone arrives I get started. "We need to do something about Lockhart."

"What are we supposed do?" Neville asks.

"With my senses I have some testimonies from people who where talking about things he did with their friends. We should work together to bring him down."

"What do we need to do?" Draco questions.

"Draco gather as much information as you can against him. Neville find some creatures venoms and poisons from all of the creatures that he brought to class. Ron go with him just in case he needs backup. Finally Leo can you start writing an article to send to all the papers about him. I will plan the best way to get rid of him."

"Got it." They all say and we all head back to our bedrooms.

It took about two weeks but we finally got everything ready to put our plan in motion. Also I got a letter saying that Sirius's trial is set to February 16th. Leo sent a letter to every news paper with all the information we gathered as well as sending the bottled recordings to Madam Bones who works for the ministry. Both letters were marked with a quill that matched his mark and the informer at as the name next to it. It had a compass as well to represent draco as the gatherer. Also at the top of all the letters was the mark we decided on for our group. A shield with a dagger set in front of it and a compass, a scale and a quill on it to represent each of our marks.

Next once we got letters sent back from everyone stating the dates that the papers would be showing this story and giving us a example of each of the articles. We set a plan to get him away from the school before he could read the papers. I was in charge of getting him to take the group to digon alley. We had a whole set up for each of us to be seen while our alter egos dealt with Lockhart. Death would fill in for me when I was needing to be seen at the same time and I would cover all the others. We also made sure that we had uniforms so we could not be identified other than by our marks we chose to have represent us.

I kept my outfit very similar to the one I rescued the girl in but the front of the shirt had a shield in the middle and the group marking in the left hand corner. Every outfit was roughly the same other than the mark in the center that represented each person. With that set we just had to wait for the day of publication. I of course informed Severus of the plan so he did not panic and he got involved on the keeping our identities secret side of things agreeing to go as well.

On the day that all the papers are going out we got up early and left for digon. We went to Gringots and I was able to keep the goblins busy with us as they wanted to see the show as well as I told them that secrets would be revealed today in their language.

I smiled as people started whispering in a concerned and offended way about Lockhart meaning the plan is ready to be started. I excuse myself and call death to cover my spot before changing into my uniform. He hands me a copy of each of the papers and then all that is left is waiting for Neville and Ron who are needed for the first part. They didn't need for cover for this part because they were 'meeting' with a goblin about inheritance.

Once they arrive in their costumes I temporarily dye their hair with magic before I travel with the others to the alley outside and we walk in. People look with curiosity and weariness. As I thought people recognized me from the incident first year. We walk over to Lockhart and drop all the papers in front of him. Sev takes this sign and ushers the others in the group away form him. Lockhart picks one of the papers of the floor before starting to read.

After a few minutes he picks up another in a panic. Soon enough he is frantically looking through them all and then he looks up at us. He notices that the symbol on our clothes was the same as the picture of the letters. "What did you do?" He says anger lacing his voice.

"Well you see, we just uncovered the things that you were hiding oh so carefully." I say in an American accent making my voice deeper just like the first time I used this disguise.

"We are not about to let you get away with terrible things like this." Neville adds in an almost perfect American accent. I taught all of them how to use American accents so that it would be harder to identify us. His voice sounds stronger when he cannot be identified.

I hold out a hand and Neville hands me the labeled viles. One has the label vampire, one has the label viper and one has a label Acromantula. All creatures that he exposed people at Hogwarts to. We also got out the anti venoms for all but vampire as there is none. We don't want him to die or he will never face justice. I pull a needle out of my bag and inject him with each of the venoms  telling him what they were and why as I did so.

He tries to fight back at first but Ron and Neville hold him until the venoms take hold. Once they start to affect him we let him drop to the floor. We inject the anti venoms a few minutes later and then we address the crowd a signal for the others to sneak off while everyone is distracted so we can show the whole team.

"The people have been leaving these criminals be for too long and we plan to do something about it. We are here to protect but if you are guilty of something that hurting others we will find you and we will share all your secrets before insuring that you feel the same pain that you caused others."

Draco and Leo show up in costume and with dyed hair as well as I taught draco how to use it for this. "This team will not let these horrors go unpunished."

"We will find dark secrets." Draco says.

"We will inform the people." Leo adds.

"We will bring justice." Neville says.

"We will fight battles for those to weak." Ron states.

"And we will protect the innocent." I finish. Soon the Aurors arrive and everyone grabs on to each other before we travel to the room that the goblins allowed us to use. We quickly change to our normal clothes and our normal appearances before I shrink all the clothes and place them in my pocket.

We walk out in the groups we left in and death trades out with me. I listen to the people speaking around us and no one suspects anything. We get briefly questioned about Lockhart before we are allowed to return back to school. Job well done.

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